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realdeals 04-01-2016 12:40 PM

Re: Open second account

Originally Posted by andyf777 (Post 759418)

Anyway, best go, I've got a better things to be doing than wasting my time back and forth with someone who knows nothing.

Feel free to PM me and i'll point you in the right direction if you ever need any help with bankruptcy :sleepy:

Yes I know nothing.....putting multiple ebay stealths on a single paypal is SUCH optimal stealth.:thumb:

All joking aside, thanks for the offer, I am sure you would be the right person to ask if I had any questions over bankruptcy proceedings. :lol:

andyf777 04-01-2016 12:45 PM

Re: Open second account
Optimal stealth (and more importantly, good business practice) is trying out and using all available options to their maximum capacity.

And as for the selling allowances being split, that isn't true either if the first one is a high limit account anyway.

And yeah sure give me a shout, I'll tell you exactly HOW TO GO backrupt. By doing business the way you do now. Hiding behind a keyboard instead of working whilst making out your the next Alan Sugar trying to talk down to me ain't doing you any favours. TTFN

realdeals 04-01-2016 12:51 PM

Re: Open second account

Originally Posted by andyf777 (Post 759429)
Optimal stealth (and more importantly, good business practice) is trying out and using all available options to their maximum capacity.

No that isn't what optimal stealth is at all.:doh:

I thought you were going anyway?

Still, as long as you are still here it is an evening off for someone.:ballchain:

velanti 04-01-2016 01:29 PM

Re: Open second account

Originally Posted by realdeals (Post 759332)
I honestly can not understand the logic of anyone who is trying to operate stealth attaching multiple different stealth accounts to a single paypal.

Really no need for it.

Same here!

wired 04-01-2016 01:37 PM

Re: Open second account

I love a keyboard warrior scrap!

Fight Fight!

realdeals 04-01-2016 01:52 PM

Re: Open second account
Sadly this is as one-sided as the next David Haye fight is gonna be. :fight:

In all seriousness, I was trying to ascertain why the OP felt he had no options other than to use multiple stealth ebays on a single stealth paypal. Bankruptcy would be virtually the only acceptable, or rather, understandable.....reason for doing this.

However, despite wanting help, the OP saw it fit not to enlighten us further as to why he feels so strongly about his absolute need to operate in his way:noidea:.

andyf777 04-01-2016 02:15 PM

Re: Open second account
I did not once say I had no other option but to use multiple eBay's to one Paypal. Do you really think I only have one Paypal and bank account?! Come on you strike me as quite a switched on guy but these comments along with the bankruptcy lark are barbaric.

If you read back to my earlier reply to you - I have my reasons which I am not disclosing on an open forum. And if I was bankrupt I would not hesitate to say so. That is simply not the case.

I feel like I am now explaining myself to you, which I 1: haven't got time for, 2: Sjoukdnt have to and 3: will not give away my methods on business and stealth to anyone reading this.

Feel free to pm me and I'll happily give you some advice

realdeals 04-01-2016 02:44 PM

Re: Open second account
Always makes me laugh when people say 'they don't want to discuss it on an open forum'....yet they feel the need to ask questions and expect others to give them answers 'on an open forum'.:clap:

So as you know so much why even ask questions? You should write a book!:hail:

I am sure Aspkin is quivering in his boots at the thought of you as competition. Can't wait until I get to read Chapter 7: Why you should attach multiple ebay stealth accounts to a single paypal stealth. :pop2:

realdeals 04-01-2016 02:49 PM

Re: Open second account

Originally Posted by andyf777 (Post 759465)
I feel like I am now explaining myself to you, which I 1: haven't got time for, 2: Sjoukdnt have to.

Well actually, yes you should have to explain yourself. Otherwise stop posting threads asking for help.:rolleyes:

Bunneh 04-01-2016 03:01 PM

Re: Open second account

Originally Posted by realdeals (Post 759467)
Well actually, yes you should have to explain yourself. Otherwise stop posting threads asking for help.:rolleyes:

well no.. no one has to answer to you or any questions you have to ask them.
Especially when you respond to people the way you do.

realdeals 04-01-2016 03:06 PM

Re: Open second account

Originally Posted by Bunneh (Post 759468)
well no.. no one has to answer to you or any questions you have to ask them.
Especially when you respond to people the way you do.

I will question or answer anyone I want how I see fit if I feel the need and I speak to people how they deserve to get spoken to.

If they do not answer relevant questions then they shouldn't start threads, especially when there are people looking who may think the OP's way of running stealth is acceptable.

Thanks for your input Bunny, now you better run along and get back to the dishes.

Bunneh 04-01-2016 03:13 PM

Re: Open second account

Originally Posted by realdeals (Post 759469)
I will question or answer anyone I want how I see fit if I feel the need and I speak to people how they deserve to get spoken to.

If they do not answer relevant questions then they shouldn't start threads, especially when there are people looking who may think the OP's way of running stealth is acceptable.

Thanks for your input Bunny, now you better run along and get back to the dishes.

Sweetpea how is asking any one if they are bankrupt or skint any of your business?
Will actually knowing that change your life in any way?

I mean really!

realdeals 04-01-2016 03:17 PM

Re: Open second account

Originally Posted by Bunneh (Post 759470)
Sweetpea how is asking any one if they are bankrupt or skint any of your business?
Will actually knowing that change your life in any way?

I mean really!

I didn't. Please show me where I did this?

What I actually said was, that the only understandable reason to keep adding multiple ebay stealths onto a stealth paypal, was if you were a bankrupt.

wired 04-01-2016 04:54 PM

Re: Open second account

Originally Posted by realdeals (Post 759473)
I didn't. Please show me where I did this?

What I actually said was, that the only understandable reason to keep adding multiple ebay stealths onto a stealth paypal, was if you were a bankrupt.

Dude, 'sweatpea' (lmao) it's been said before, you really need to drop a xanax and chill out.

A great quote, a favourite of mine by Victor Daniels

'We must learn to tailor our concepts to fit reality, instead of trying to stuff reality into our concepts'

Food for your benzo'd thought this evening :)

andyf777 04-01-2016 06:50 PM

Re: Open second account

Originally Posted by realdeals (Post 759473)
I didn't. Please show me where I did this?

What I actually said was, that the only understandable reason to keep adding multiple ebay stealths onto a stealth paypal, was if you were a bankrupt.

You did say this, and insinuate that I am bankrupt! There are plenty of members on this forum that know I am not bankrupt, plus lets just say for one minute I was (which I am not). What's it got to do with you, is it a crime, and why do you keep assuming the only 'possible explanation' is if I am bloody bankrupt!!?

You really need to see a doctor for your anger and mood swings. Maybe a Valium or two, or like another member said - a Xanax. Maybe it's you that is in financial difficulty and this is your way of releasing some stress and frustration. I don't know. Just speculating.

Anyway thanks again for your useless input. Goodnight kid.

realdeals 04-01-2016 08:15 PM

Re: Open second account

Originally Posted by andyf777 (Post 759516)
You did say this, and insinuate that I am bankrupt! There are plenty of members on this forum that know I am not bankrupt, plus lets just say for one minute I was (which I am not). What's it got to do with you, is it a crime, and why do you keep assuming the only 'possible explanation' is if I am bloody bankrupt!!?

God you really are stupid.

Why do you not read what has been written? Or do you struggle with words longer then 4 letters?

If I said such a thing prove it and quote me. You will never be able to do it because it hasn't happened. Anyone with half a brain who has read this thread will see I have not said it. Now finish off your can of Stella and give your missus another beating. :uk:

realdeals 04-01-2016 08:33 PM

Re: Open second account
....and for the final time clarifying myself to the window lickers here, I said that the only half acceptable reason for running a stealth like you do is if you are a bankrupt. If you don't understand my point, it isn't really my problem. I also didn't say it was the only explanation, because it isn't. The other is you're stupid. There is no reason to need to ever run a stealth set up the way you do unless you are one of the above.:brushteeth:

andyf777 04-02-2016 05:59 AM

Re: Open second account

Originally Posted by realdeals (Post 759351)
Excuse me?

If you have failed financially in the past, and you are a BANKRUPT I understand why you may be too embarrassed to say. That is the ONLY semi-valid reason some my feel the need to attach multiple to stealths to a paypal, and even then there are workarounds so you don't need to.

If you are indeed a BANKRUPT,, there should be no shame in you admitting as much andyf. There is no need for denial. [/I]

People should face up to why they failed in the past. Like sexual offenders, alcoholics and drug addicts, the first step to getting better is admitting your problems and failings. Then you can be helped, so you do not fail again in the future. :)

Have a read over what you wrote, then tell me you did not insinuate or claim I was bankrupt.

And FYI I definitely do not drink Stella, or beat my "missus". I prefer to sip champagne cocktails in the sun whilst my very successful business turns me a very nice profit.

wired 04-02-2016 06:02 AM

Re: Open second account
Why don't both of you meet up and go for a beer? or a cocktail, or both, have a hug, a little kiss in the corner and whisper into each others ears :)

andyf777 04-02-2016 06:03 AM

Re: Open second account
Oh one more thing, you would do good to wind your neck in and do NOT EVER compare me to a sex offender or drug addict.

Now stop hiding behind your keyboard, feel free to PM me and i'll invite you round to my house, whereby you can meet my Mrs, see my company accounts and leave in a f**king ambulance.


andyf777 04-02-2016 06:08 AM

Re: Open second account

Originally Posted by wired (Post 759636)
Why don't both of you meet up and go for a beer? or a cocktail, or both, have a hug, a little kiss in the corner and whisper into each others ears :)

I would love to meet him. I can just picture him now sat in his bedroom in his mums council house, in his pajamas because he had such a late night on the cider last night.

Like I said above, he is more than welcome to come and meet me, anytime, anyplace.

No one compares me to a sex offender, tries to abuse me like that and make absurd comments about me. No one.

GreenBean 04-02-2016 06:13 AM

Re: Open second account

With the account under this 30 day suspension, it is probable ebay will pick up
you made another account.

Be careful of not creating a ripple effect where more accounts get bit.


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