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UK PayPal Talk General issues related to UK Paypal

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Old 11-20-2017
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Default Stealth gone horribly wrong

A friend introduced me to stealth. I only use ebay to sell off unwanted possessions so before he mentioned it I had never heard of stealth before, following his method I thought I was doing everything correctly but reading up on this forum I realise how clueless he really is. Through him I’ve committed every rookie error in the book, same ebay account, same Mac user account, etc. Although due to past experiences I should have known getting around paypal wouldn’t have been that easy.

Since April I’ve had almost £1k stuck inside a limited account; I have withdrawn £90 from it before the limitation, I couldn’t withdraw the rest due to the 21 day hold. The account is in a different name and address (those stealth parts were right) however due to the reasons above it is linked to the paypal account in my own name and my girlfriends account.
I never had an issue with the paypal account in my own name until it became limited when linked and to my girlfriends account after someone tried to scam her. She sold a designer bag on Depop around 4/5 years ago, 60 odd days after the buyer received it they started a paypal claim saying it wasn’t genuine. The buyer must have switched the bag with a non-genuine bag they already owned (my girlfriend sold a caviar skin bag but in the buyers pictures it was lambskin) and to cut a long story short paypal refunded the buyer and my girlfriends account has had a minus balance of around £2k ever since (although she can no longer log into it).

Back to the stealth account. I think it is not fully limited? I haven’t reached the part where paypal have said they want to part ways because I’ve never been able to trigger it. (Again my not so helpful friend said to wait 180 days and I’d be able to withdraw the money but that date has passed.) Paypal are asking for three things:
- Provide information on account activity - which I have done.
- Resolve issues with other accounts - mine and my girlfriends are listed. Our names are completely different to the stealth and we live a reasonable distance from the stealth address. Paypal does prompt me to contact them if I am not the owner of the other accounts so I might be able to bluff it.
- Upload photo ID - The biggest hurdle I know my way around photoshop but not enough to give them what they’re asking for. I understand they have to be pretty good to pass paypals scrutiny?

Has anyone else been in the same predicament and managed to retrieve the money?
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