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Old 10-24-2009
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I do not ever allow flash, so ebay and paypal think I'm old school without flash installed. Like windows 95 style old school.

I keep my cookies. They never bother me with user verification crap of that kind.

Flash objects only get stored *IF* you have a flash interpreter installed in your system. Uninstall Adobe Flash and Shockwave. Then you can run naked through banner ads with nary a scratch or a stain.

If you let flash in, they know it. If you come back and the flash objects they recorded are no longer there, they think you are hiding or that a different computer is attempting to use your login. Either case is cause for them to be concerned.

But, if the flash object doesn't work, they don't log a record of it. They log that no flash was detected and no object injected. They don't EXPECT you to have one when you come back.

You are not required to have a flash interpreter installed. It is not factory default on Microsoft discs. It's a 3rd party add on. So unless users go get the plugin and deliberately install it on their computer or your computer came with it pre-installed by DELL or HP or whoever, it wouldn't be there. Less than half of PCs have it. Most people never install it. So not having it is not suspicious. Having it and cleaning it *IS* suspicious.

Last edited by Vicvelcro; 10-24-2009 at 06:06 PM.
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