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-   Australia eBay & Paypal (https://www.aspkin.com/forums/australia-ebay-paypal/)
-   -   Now you need verified paypal to sell on eBay.com.au (https://www.aspkin.com/forums/australia-ebay-paypal/18633-now-you-need-verified-paypal-sell-ebay-com-au.html)

GreenBean 06-14-2010 04:50 AM

Any special reason for this line of thought? :rolleyes:

Vicvelcro 06-14-2010 05:05 AM

I don't post these tips so people can MISuse the info. I post tips to help people cover their asses. People who may not realize that they need to be proactive about checking the resoluteness of their service providers.

Jbuntz, quite often you contribute well to the forum. Sometimes, not so much. This time is one of the not so good times. If you get bad ideas from my good advice, please keep your lip zipped. Don't twist my shizzy into bad deeds.

Vicvelcro 06-14-2010 05:27 AM

That was not the subject matter. The issue was if PP themselves could call your bank, tell them who they were and see if throwing their Paypal weight around would get your bank to tell your secrets.

Call your bank, give them your account number, say you are Paypal. Ask for private info about yourself. See what the bank does.

That was what this was about. Not you weaseling PP to get my info and then weaseling my bank so you could screw me. Hypothetically.

Focus, man! And don't feed the trolls.

slapped 06-14-2010 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by FonkyChicken (Post 144748)

When my first paypal account was limited it said to have the limitation removed all names on ebay/paypal/bank acc MUST match.......

Believe me use one of the Banks like Chase Bank the name and address on the Bank account DOES NOT have to match your Paypal account name and address

FonkyChicken 06-15-2010 02:46 AM

All good contributions guys.... I mentioned a couple of days ago to a VIP that sometimes on the forum your head can spin by all of the different answers and different ways of saying the same thing.

My reason for bringing up the bank account thing was because when my paypal account was limited and I was having trouble lifting it by talking to the PP phone monkeys.

I figured it would be wise to check that all of my Bay/ PP and Bank info matched.

To my surprise :shocked: when I went in to check my paypal address details there was a note next to it that said 'Address does not match bank acc'

Rather then change the paypal address to my real address I changed my bank accounts default address to match my paypal one.

they lifted my limitation after some grovelling and upgrading to a premiere account.

On another note: I also got ebay to lift my account limitation with some more grovelling being polite and acting stoopid!! hehehe

It's quite a funny story because they'd already admitted to me that one of my DVD products hadn't officially even been released yet, which I was totally unaware of ;) . So that's a tip-off for me when stocking up the inventory.
Here's there admittance:

"For example, we are concerned that you are selling Guzzlers season 4, when it is not slated to be released until August 17, 2010 (inthe U.S.). This causes us to question whether your items are authentic or not.

If you would like to sell items on eBay full time Fonkychicken, which can be a great business, you may want to consider items that do not have questionable authenticity. This is to protect you as a seller from possible action from film rights owners, ourselves from action, as well as buyers in the eBay community."

After they'd admitted it I sent another letter back stating that my supplier is reputable (bs) although this will be a point of contention with them. And that I'm not even too concerned about the DVD's because I'm also selling hard to find guitars.

Here's the message I got today: :dance:

"Dear Fonkychicken
Thank you for writing to eBay regarding your selling limit. Your account has been reviewed, and I've taken your email into consideration.

I've adjusted your selling limits to allow additional activity to take place. Please know that if DVD's are listed, your account may be restricted or suspended. Your new limits will allow you to list a limited amount of guitars.

If you encounter a limit, you'll need to wait a few days before trying to list more. As you continue to gain positive feedback, we will be pleased to increase your limits and allow more sales at a time. I hope this helps. I am pleased to be able to assist you with this matter and wish you well with your future transactions on eBay.

We sincerely value you as a member of our trading community and look forward to a continued successful relationship with you. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter."

I am going to lay low on this account for a while but does anyone here think they'd align the cannons if I started selling DVD's again ? I seriously don't think whoever wrote that message will be checking back on me like a concerned parents in a few weeks time.

FonkyChicken 06-15-2010 02:57 AM

To clarify on the bank issue. ( I get off subject too easily) I totally agree Vic we sign privacy statements when setting up accounts and the only way a bank will give out personal information is if Law Enforcement becomes involved. PayPal are a law unto themselves but not as far as the banks are concerned.

I love the social engineering idea Vic and testing the banks anyway.. that'd be hilarious fun. Yes I'm from Paypal and my name is Raja Devapratumanudumrong.

slapped 06-15-2010 08:05 AM

FONKYCHICKEN....I Cannot believe that letter you got from ebay, they are so Sweet over there, I wish they were like that here,

As for the DVD's, Forget about them, the reason is that they have "Blocked" your account from listing them, so if you list them if you are "lucky" the System will NOT allow you to list them at all, if you are not Lucky, it will trigger an Automatic suspension and if you Get to deal with a "Normal" U.S. Style Ebay employee as opposed to the one who wrote you that letter you are DONE!!

What I would do is wait some time and E-Mail THE SAME PERSON who sent you that Nice E-Mail and tell them that you have a New Supplier of Verified Legit DVD's. I would ONLY Do that if I just HAD to sell DVD's, I Personaly would much prefer to Move on.

FonkyChicken 06-16-2010 01:23 AM

hehehe..... They are still US employee's mate. Anytime I try to call Paypal or Ebay in Australia it is re-directed to call centres in the US.

Thanks for the info slapped I didn't think the databasses had that functionality to BLOCK certain things and allow others. I hadn't heard of it happening to anyone else on the forums so I figured they were just trying to make me think that.

It was signed Adler which is the generic name you get on all trust and safety e-mails.
I'm pretty sure if I reply to the e-mail I won't get the same person.

I was very polite to them and mentioned that I'd left my job in administration to pursue a full time position selling on ebay (sucking up).

FonkyChicken 06-16-2010 01:27 AM

Oh I must mention that when they mentioned the release that hadn't been released yet.
I told them I was dumbfounded and swore that I had a reputable australian dealer.

I mentioned to them that It is a point of contention and I will have a word to my supplier and resolve this issue as they might not be aware that the DVD in question hasn't been released yet either because everything I've bought from them has been legit, without fault and I haven't had any complaints.

tenggo 06-25-2010 10:19 PM

Hey fonkeychicken, if that is the letter you got from ebay, i hope the ebay account name has been replaced by you...as wouldnt want an ebay troll to see that letter... maybe do an edit on that hey?

FonkyChicken 06-27-2010 12:32 AM

Definately replaced mate.... I was thinking the same thing when I posted it ;)

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