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Old 11-26-2009
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Default Ebay Suspneding for 3 months for new sellers now

I have a new account that i created and let sit for about a month before selling. I was selling Vero for about three weeks and then BAM they got why i dont know. I Change my IP evertime double check its not repeated on my list but still got me. Anyways the suspension is for 3 long months wow thats a long time, is this there new policy 3 months for new accounts? Ive been suspended before and i believe it usually only 1 month correct me if im wrong. Any thoughts on this and maybe can anyone chip in on why i may have been caught if im doing stealth right. Thanks guys
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Old 11-26-2009
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Hey there. I'm a newbie, so I dunno what VeRO means. I do know that eBay messed up my life a LOT. Funny thing to say. But I was making them $2,000 in fees EASILY. It was my means of supporting myself through nursing school & keeping a roof over my head. They suspended me and told me several times I would be reinstated 30 days later...well it's now Day 36. :(

Anywho...I've been researching this a lot. Did you use the same Paypal? Also..keep in mind that they can track your MAC address. This is the big "aha!" moment that people have when I tell them. If you want to switch things up, also get a new wireless card. Heck, buy them in stock. And each time..clear your cookies and switch the iP. But you NEED to have a new Paypal..or at least change your Paypal email and information for a while.

Also..for THAT computer that you use eBay on..DO NOTHING ELSE. I just learned that they use profiles on you. So even if they don't trace your cookies and see that you are logging into different things that were related to a previous suspended user..they might see, for example, that you look up pink elephants and chocolate. BAM. They catch you. It creates a profile on your surfing trends. So my suggestion. DO NOT SURF @ all. It should literally be for logging into eBay, paypal, and your eBay email account. I know you're asking..how can I use my computer though? Truth is.you can't..So maybe even buy an OLDDDD PC for like $75 or something and use that as your eBay computer.
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Old 11-26-2009
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Anybody know if this is true? can Ebay see your mac address/computer name?
Is it necessary to change wireless card? they don't have cookies anyway do they?
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Old 11-26-2009
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No eBay cannot see your MAC address but may be able to see your computer name. I noticed my ISP (Rogers) shows the computer name in the name address when I go to IP Burger - What is my IP Address? Find Your IP Address! so I just put a generic computer name "pc".
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Old 11-27-2009
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Here is a link to a download that changes your mac adress each time you log in

MadMACs: MAC Address Spoofing And Host Name Randomizing App For Windows

Also if you use seperate windows user accounts and do all your surfing on your administator acount you don't need to buy another computer.

Last edited by jbluntz; 11-27-2009 at 05:48 PM.
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Old 11-27-2009
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To the OP, what was the actual notice of suspension? IF this is happening would like the actual notice B4 considering if you got linked etc
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