I really appreciate all your guys help. I'm runing out of cash and i need everything to work. If i cant get my ebay buisness up and running again i'll have to drop out of school and get a full time job rather than part time and doing my ebay business on the side. So really, thank you.
So heres what i've done so far.
I'm using netzero dialup internet access and created an account with ⊗⊗⊗⊗ name/address and used a simon.com giftcard with the same name/address as verification. Its been a almost 24 hours now and the account is still active and i haven't touched it.
I just finished setting up ccnow account which i will use with the new ebay account. My only concern is, i never used anything but paypal and i'm not sure how the checkout works, and i'm also afraid my customers will shy away from buying because of my checkout. could someone explain the process. I've used the demo on the website, but its missing the first step, getting from the "buy it now" screen to the CCnow screen.
Also, i've read that my account is at greater risk of being suspended since i'm not using paypal anymore. I'm just wondering how big a risk? I've read all about authorize.net and auctions but that confused the crap out of me with tokens and a $150 installation fee and what not. Does CCnow take more commission then those others?
Again thanks for the replies. If you feel my thread annoys you then i apologize, the last thing i want to do is upset anyone. I have been reading the forums ALOT, but there is some contradictions and different opinions on matters that things get a little confusing, hence my post.