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eBay Suspensions General issues related to eBay Suspensions. Mostly geared towards

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Old 03-11-2008
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Default Newer accounts suspended, older account intact...need help

Hello everyone, my original ebay account, account A, was suspended but it was reinstated after faxing in the forms and etc. I stopped using that account and closed it so that I could use a new account, account B, and start from scratch. Well the new account was suspended as well, along with a subsequent account I opened under a siblings name, account C.

I went to check the original account, A, that I had closed and it hasn't been suspended, strange since this account was linked to account B which was suspended. Account A is an old account, registered on ebay for over 5 years, do you think I would have any luck with re-opening this account or would it just be suspended as well after a few days? I read that older accounts aren't watched as closely, I haven't had any activity on it since it was originall suspended and reinstated near 6 months ago.

On a completely unrelated topic, it really makes me sick that any of my account were suspended at all. It was over a West Coast Choppers zippo I was selling, the item was not counterfeit and officially licensed but the VERO decided it was a ⊗⊗⊗⊗ and that was it.....what a joke!
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Old 03-11-2008
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It takes them sometimes a few weeks to link accounts. I used to have 2 real accounts with all the same names, addresses, IP etc. One of them went down one day and the other one continued to seat strong for another month.
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Old 03-12-2008
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Francis... Harley Mdse is HOT.. alot of PS have it.. theyre bringing it over from china now...
--Bought a couple Harley wallets last year for friends, and a vest, and a couple pen sets.
-bought 2 this year, BIG quality difference,, the stitching already came out a wallet i bought.. Harley wallets last Forever.. even the chains are not s/s plated, theyre nickle/or zinc, dipped
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