This is the issue. I am physically located in Canada, but most of my customers are in USA, so with those, it's not a problem to ship with tracking(+$5-7).
Yes, it's sensible to add postage BUT......
to ship to rest of world (Europe, Asia, etc.), to add tracking via Canada Post costs more than $50. No one will pay that. So, I just ship Air Mail. 99%, it's not a problem.
International - my listing clearly states 15 BUSINESS days.
But lately, I have 5 buyers from France - they all bought the same item on the same day. Exactly 1 week later, all 5 of these buyers made 'Not Received" claims. That coupled with a few non receipt claims from Russia, must have flagged me. Also, just before this, I got a message from Ebay that my Global Performance was below standard (due to these International Claims)
Most customers are honest - even when I sent Air Mail the past 3 years - I had no issues - none!. It's the 1% of dishonest buyers who see the Air Mail (no tracking), and know they can get their item for free. I used to eat these claims as the cost of doing business - didn't know it would limit my paypal followed by my ebay.....
Ebay limited my account: MC011, MC000.
I have already bought the
stealth guide, and know what do do.
BUT, my questions are before going Stealth:
1. Should I try to restore my paypal account?
2. If restored, would ebay restore my seller privileges?
3. Or should I just not bother, and go Stealth?