Got suspended. Ebay linked my other suspended account. - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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eBay Suspensions General issues related to eBay Suspensions. Mostly geared towards

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Old 10-26-2008
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Default Got suspended. Ebay linked my other suspended account.

I got suspended by Ebay because they linked my other suspended account. My first account was suspened for to many unpaid strikes. I made another account with my dads information. Recently, I started selling stuff on And the only way to get paid there is via direct deposit. So me and my genious brain input my old bank account the one linked with my suspended account. owes me 200 dollars by the end of this month and I am worried I wont get paid. I filed an appeal but have yet heard from them. I think they may make me sign an affidavit to comply with their rules. Also, very important in the email and questions I am asking I am acting as if I am my dad. Saying that this account was for me and my son. I dont know if that is a good idea. I would appreciate some help on my chances of reinstatement. Here is the letter I emailed to ebay.

Message: Hi,
My account was suspended and I would like for Ebay to reinstate it. It appears that my account was linked to the account of my suspended son's account. I was not aware that his suspension would prohibit me from doing future business with Ebay. I don't feel that his mistake should slide over to me. The truth is this new account was for both me and my son. He begged me to create allow him to create a new account with my information. I apologize if that has affected the safety and trust of the Ebay community. But, since the creation of this new account I have not receive any complains or payed my fees late or never payed. I feel that I have been a great asset to the Ebay community. All the info used was done by my son. I gave him my credit card information I let him use his own email for this account and the bank account info was his since he would be paying me. I am sincerely sorry for both our actions. I beg that Ebay would reconsider reinstating my account. I hope Ebay can understand my actions and hope that soon again I can continue doing business with Ebay. I am not sure what else I can do to have my account reinstated but feel free to contact me with any more requirements to help my appeal. Please Ebay reconsider my suspension.

Hope someone can give me some advice to improve my chances of being reinstated. Thanks everyone.
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