Soemthing i just now noticed in my pm folders.
Yeah i have in my pm folder aonther folder which i keep for people who placed orders with me! so i clicked there pm and hit move to folder then it gose into the new folder then well after i moved it i figerd it was moved. So i hit back on my browser to go back to the pm box without knowing that when i did that the pm i put in the new folder disapeard. I had some inportaint pms that i put in there and now there gone. This been happening some time now and i thought i may had forgot to put it in the folder but what really happened is i put them in there then hit back then they disapared. Also there not in my inbox now eather there just gone
So now i will have to remember when i move to folder then u have to reselect the view inbox instead of hitting back on my browser. So i figerd if you guys ever run across this then thats the problem. i just wish i could get the pms back i lost.