Originally Posted by GreenBean™ Not an issue.
It's acceptable to have different locations with your IP.
Both paypal/ebay look at other factors. Provided your account is made with user account cookies etc, the IP distance is not a problem.
ISPs do not always give the same IP range because of different problems within their network.
You should be fine.
to set your mind at ease, I have had IPs that show me to be 600 miles from the actual address. Never a problem. | Now that's what i'm talkin about! okay, so how do I buy on this acct? Doesn't the credit card info have to match? The CC is in Lakeland & ship to is fl. Can the bank add that?
I was really suprised that EB asked me 5 security questions. I always USED TO answer the same ?'s with the same answers. NOT this time I changed everything I could possibly think of that was changeable. 2 user accts., 1 is dsl and the other is mobile hot spot. Changed the style of P/Wd's. And you know how they ask your bank user name and P/W on PP I made sure to do that different too.
Even changed to a bank I have never used. TD is very nice & BTW even get a debit card with name on it when you open acct and only $20 required. $4 per month but really who cares?
Thank you all so very much. I am still keeping my fingers crossed and maintaining stealthy behavior. May the force be with us!
Last edited by joesshooze; 03-22-2013 at 06:12 PM.