Cant change my ip address with my router? - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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IP Address Changing your IP address, multiple IPs, VPNs, hiding your IP, phone tethering, MiFi devices, hotspots and more.

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Old 03-01-2009
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Default Cant change my ip address with my router?

So im using a netgear router with a windows computer and all I can find is people using linksys router which I dont have and a mac address which I dont have either.
How can I change my ip address with a netgear router?
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Old 03-02-2009
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You'll have to reset your router as well as your modem.

I use netgear as well, and they like to hold on to an IP Address.

I'm a lazy person... I like to find the easiest way to do something whether it cost more or not. I went out and bought three more netgear routers.

Each one has it's own mac address, so all you need to do is swap one out with another, reset your modem and go through the setup steps and you'll have a new IP in less then a few minutes.. easy easy.

A new netgear router cost $40 at Wal-mart.

Or if you want to do it the hard way, you can try and change your router's mac address in your router settings. That'll force an IP change...

There are a few threads on that in this section.
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So would it be easier to get dial up?
I looked into it but looks expensive because since I got a cellphone I would have to buy a landline like vonage which is $20 a month and then get aol dial up which is like $10 so I would be paying around $30 a month seems kinda expensive to me....
But with aol dial up I can get unlimited accounts like 6 or so paypal accounts then?
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Old 03-02-2009
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Dial up is another good option. It all depends on what you want to do.
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