New forum member--Ques re: PP withdrawal
Hi gang, I have a question that I think is probably pretty basic for those of you who are PP experts. I did search some of the threads but did not see a direct answer--or maybe I just didn't "get it" since this whole subject is new to me.
I have a PP account that has some funds in it. I would like to WD that money for personal use but I don't want it to hit my bank account and I don't really want a debit card from PP. How would I go about doing that?
I saw some references in your threads about gift cards. Can I use my PP funds to purchase a gift card, then use that card for purchases, bill paying etc. just like a credit card? I've never had a gift card before (other than like for a specific department store or something like that), so your wisdom would be helpful.
Thanks in advance!