Account Limitations / Suspension Reinstatement FAQ - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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Old 11-06-2007
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Default Account Limitations / Suspension Reinstatement FAQ

EBay sometimes limits accounts because of Non-Payment, Seller Non-Performance, VeRO or just because they feel you're a high risk seller. They'll ask for your driver's license, receipts of items you're selling, copy of a credit card bills, they'll want you to take VeRO test and even sign and fax documents! The good news is, if you do what eBay asks you stand a good chance of reinstatement.

Types of limitations and how to be reinstated: Though suspensions in this nature can easily be fixed by following the appeals process; specific suspensions calls for different approaches.
  • Seller Non-Performance: If you have buyer complaints or a low feedback score, you might be hit with Sell Non-Performance. Settling disputes and working to increase your positive feedback will help to restore your account.
  • Non-Payment: If you forgot to pay your balance and your account is limited because of it, you can simply pay your balance and they'll reinstate you.
  • Shill Bidding: If you were caught shill bidding, and they give you a temporary suspensions; they'll usually lift your account after a certain period of time or after you submit required forms.

Tips to a better reinstatement: Giving eBay the information they request will usually lift any limitations you may have. But you must remember eBay is like an old man. If you try to rush things, threaten them without teeth, or by pass them all together (the wrong way) you'll lose the chance you have to get your account back. The better you follow what's written below, the better chance you'll have getting your account back. The fact that eBay is giving you a chance to reinstatement is a good sign. It's best to give eBay whatever they ask for and get your account back legitimately.
  1. Do not spam eBay by sending your fax over and over again. This can have adverse affects. Remember it can take up to two weeks for reinstatement. If after two weeks eBay hasn't responded it's okay to resend your documents.
  2. Make sure your documents are clearly legible. Sending documents that are not legible will delay the reinstatement process.
  3. Do not send angry letters demanding reinstatement. It's up to the eBay if they want to release your account or not. The best thing you can do is be as nice and go above and beyond what eBay asks of you. You're not guaranteed your account back though.

Why does eBay suspend you after a reinstatement? EBay's system is screwed up. Some departments don't work well with others. One area of eBay says you're okay and they'll release your account. Then another hasn't been updated with your status and suspends you again. After awhile you'll be suspended for good with no luck of being reinstated. Its best after your account has been lifted to change your IP address, and delete your cookies to try to limit this backlash.

After Reinstatement: After you get your account back make sure not to go back to your old habits which got you suspended in the first place. Make sure to change your IP address and delete cookies to try to protect your account. Going back to sell VeRO items will get you indefinitely suspended the next time around.

Setting up back up accounts is a good idea. Read the eBay suspension guide for more information about this.

Still Suspended? If you're desperate about getting your account back, and eBay isn't budging… you might want to elevate your complaint to the BBB or your state attorney general. Short of some pressure from them, EBAY will never reinstate your account.

When To Create A New Account: So it's been over 1-2 months and eBay still hasn't released your account. If after multiple faxes, and inquires from BBB, it's best to move on and start work with a new eBay account.
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Old 03-20-2008
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If I understand correctly these limitations are not random. They result from a system that assigns a 1 or 0 to every action you take. Accessing their system from only one ip such as that from a local Internet service would rank higher than accessing through AOL or dial up where they would have to work harder to track you. in other words if your a newbie you should act like one getting good points for wondering around aimlessly bad points for going directly to things only an experienced ebayer would know. They have the digital storage to log all this and the software and people to make it work not to mention all the raw data being created as to how someone new acts on their site Vs how an experienced ebayer would set up another account based on their experience.
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