Money recieving issue
I just got my Paypal account limited and am working on getting back in.
In the mean time, a customer that bought something from me before, now wants 50 pieces. It would be between $2700-$3000.
The problem is that I now have a lmited Paypal account and I would think that the large of a transfer into a new stealth account,(even not linked to ebay), would cause me to be limited very quickly.
My credit is bad and I am working on it but can't get a merchant account at this time.
I also can't afford to take the chance of almost $3000.00 getting locked up in some account comparable to paypal.
I really need part of the money to pay for the product, but I could afford to pull it out of my account if I know that I can pull the $3000 out in a couple of days.
Would a Post Office money order be better? Bank wire transfer?
I really would like to have this customers business as I think we will do some repeat business in the future.
Any thoughts?
Last edited by NTP; 01-30-2010 at 06:19 PM.