Same address as suspended member. Will changing the address solve the problem?
I was suspended 6 months ago.
My girlfriend, who lives with me, has her own eBay account that she opened 2 years ago. Plus she has a PayPal account.
All the information on her eBay & payPal accounts is different to mine except for the address (she used my address). However she has ONLY used my address since March of this year.
Her PayPal account was verified 6 months ago.
Her eBay account has only been used to buy things. Some of them were very expensive.
It has 100% positive feedback of 45.
Plus it's probably kind of trusted by eBay.
So it's potentially a useful sellers account.
But I have been suspended at the same address. So her address is a problem.
If she changed the address would that allow her to sell without any problems?
If that will work, would she also have to also change the address on her PayPal account?