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oompaloompa 04-01-2009 07:04 AM

Yes, when you log in to ebay you find unanswered questions in red, because youve actually answered them direct.
plus side for answering direct to buyer from gmail is that you can avoid logging in and therefore can answer questions under say five different accounts under one IP without detection.

down side is many ebayers dont look at their email inbox they look for reply when logging in on ebay, so you might lose sales

GB what do you mean by covering yourself, why do you have to keep excel log of who you reply to, I run through all my emails on each account every day even if im not currently selling on them, if the email is in bold it needs answering, if its faded, its been looked at!, I also check to see if anyone wants a refund or any paypal issues or other issues every day on every email account, takes a while but I am thorough, if you dont look at each one you can get a shock when a buyer, has hit you with a Not as described because they got frustrated emailing for 3 days...

GreenBean 04-01-2009 07:18 AM

Quality control. It's part of the flow chart. The wam bam, thank you feedback thanks and do buy again.

haorichards 04-08-2009 05:42 PM

hi just to join the conversation i just bought the stealth i understand everything to and almost understand everything about the ip address, i think? but if anyone can help i would be very greatfull - so i have a laptop with a wireless router (dongle) with t-mobile, if i press config on the computer or through my network conection when im contected i get an ip address, subnet etc... my ipv4 address changes everytime. But according to the stealth its my router ip address and not my true ip address,so just to check i connected to the net and went to ipburger.com and each time i conected it gave me the same ip address which was actualy infact different from my router (config, network connection) address so i aggreed that it was true. I now went into my network sharing centre and created a dial up conection with t-mobile when i went back to ipburger the address changed everytime the questions i have to ask is -

am i now set to open an ebay account?
does ebay know im using t-mobile and will they wonder why im using the dial up instead of the wireless connection?
if i get a new ip evertime i sign in will they think theres any funny going on?
also what is a DNS server and WIN server as these dont change at all? is that ok?

i would be greatfull if anybody could shead a light on this issue for me

oompaloompa 04-09-2009 08:05 AM

youve checked how to get a new ip, youve done the correct thing. No, they dont think its odd, its normal

my t-mobile laptop is fixed ip, and havent worked out how to change it, but I only use for auctiva anyway. Thanks for info, might try it myself. great helpful post. I log in on muliple accounts and users on a changing dynamic ip on pc. like probably a 1000000 other ebayers!

dont know the last bit about servers, just know you must have a different ip than your suspended account, it doesnt matter if its fixed if you only have one new account, as long as ip is differnt from suspended, ok? I expect you know the other links eg. cookies and addresses

its just one ebay paypal you want right?Is this a new laptop, even better?

haorichards 04-09-2009 11:16 AM

no its not new they banned me on it before, i want one account for now just to try out first but i want about 3 intotal 1 for buying and two for selling, but if i have two many i'll have to keep track of each ip for each account as any time i disconnect or get disconnected it changes (and my signals not the best) quite long winded, i dont want any of the ips to show up again on different accounts in order not to make a link.
I thought i read that you said if your creating a buyer account i can use the same address but different name - as i was suspended at this address about a year ago if i use the same address but different name will they think im the same person do i have to change the address slightly? or will the suspended address be ok for buying (dif name)? can i use it for selling at a later stage if i build up feedback or is the address banned for life for selling items,
- by the way if you go to the start menu and to your network - then click on network sharing centre- then set up a connection or network - set up a dial up connection, you can create a dial up (but i dont know how to delete it at a later stage if needed to, gonna ask t-mobile)

p.s my husband has a laptop but i logged into it a few weeks before i got suspended is the laptop a risk to use because of the ip or is it ok for use as well?

oompaloompa 04-09-2009 12:32 PM

correct buying account can be in a variation that doesnt link you but gets the parcel to you, eg your address is B. Obama ,29 Comparethemeerkat road, RS22 4BD, put instead G. Brown, 29a Comparethemeerkat Road , RS22 4BB.
worked for me no probs for buying. Risky to sell on that account but can be done, just be aware that you may be flagged.

Some forumers log each and every IP on excel, I do not, I simply cant keep up with it, If youve got a dynamic IP ebay/paypal will see that and ignore changing ips, if you happen to end up on same ip either randomly or accidentally on seperate accounts, it will be a link, IP is not necessarily a problem , as you could get assigned the same ip as someone else or use same shared computer eg at work, ISP have a pool of IPs that they assign to users on a queue system. They will only look at linked ip accounts if one is suspended ,the other will not necessarily come down, unless there are similarities between them, obviously address, name, cookies, flash objects, similar goods etc.

regarding laptop, wasnt it you that knew how to change the ip on it? anyway test it with ip burger to see if it changes upon shutdown, if it doesnt dont log on under it, until youve got it to dynamic..and of course clean flash under adobe settings, do a pc cleaner wipe, even better set up a seperate user on it just for your ebay, away from hubbys stuff


Do not worry unduly about your dynamic IP, it is a bloody good asset.

haorichards 04-09-2009 12:58 PM

i cant change it to another ip address that it would be fixed but i can only do dial up so it changes everytime i connect. My husbands one is fixed he hasnt changed hes so his ip will still be the same as when i logged into his computer a few weeks before i got banned he doesnt have an ebay account but do you they will have record of this?

haorichards 04-09-2009 01:02 PM

i logged into my account through his laptop before i got banned not after the ban but i know ebay keep a record of ips, do you think i can still use his laptop since he doesnt have an ebay account

oompaloompa 04-09-2009 01:30 PM

ok, get you, yes they have a log of the laptop static IP, dont go near it again

haorichards 04-09-2009 01:52 PM

so what your saying is that if he decides one day that he wants to open his own account he needs to change his ip first , also do you know how i can change my mac address i got a list of routers with the stealth but i dont know or cant find the name of my router any help?

oompaloompa 04-09-2009 01:58 PM

you are exactly correct re static ip

mac- not a clue, check posts and if not throw question out on the general forum.

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