Re: What virtual CC works with refunding buyer ? Quote:
Originally Posted by digzz I'm having an issue with refunding my buyers using virtual cards . It tends to take the funds and then reverses the charge saying the address and name does not match .
How would I get round this ? |
Your virtual cards aren't working because the uk card system has AVS, (address verification) and ebay use it to check it matches for their security/protect. You might find a card provider that is non-avs (one based in any country except UK, USA or Canada these have avs) but then ebay may block that BIN (first 6 digits of the long card number that id'ss the issuer, as it may raise some red flags. Can you change the address of the provider you have now online? You could change it just until the payments processed (or permantly if its not attached to an actual bank that might send mail to you from time to time)
also your card address on ebay doesn't have to be the same as your registered address with ebay
Last edited by paulfoltyn; 2 Days Ago at 10:44 AM.