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Old 01-08-2016
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Default Re: $ limit goes up for each feedback received?

just ensure you send messages to buyers and keep your feedback high and claims all resolved and build a strong account
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Old 01-09-2016
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Default Re: $ limit goes up for each feedback received?

I was reinstated almost 30 days later. Cost me a lot of $$s for nothing. Silver lining is this group.
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Old 01-09-2016
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Default Re: $ limit goes up for each feedback received?

Originally Posted by Cloak_d View Post
Nothing too special really. Ramped up on some hot toys, found a couple of hot selling items, and started selling stuff that I'd been stocking up in FBA all year. Typical Q4 sales action. The 400% was on a rolling 30 day cycle heading into the peak of buying season compared to say, July sales. Not untypical from what I understand. I think that I jumped into merchant fulfilling my orders kind of suddenly. I went from 3 all year to 58 in two-three days. Set the bots off and wham-o suspension.

Eye opening though how you get treated on this side of the tracks. No niceties, no communication, feeling like an outcast. Let me know just how much they cared about me and my livelihood. What I need is a bit of stealthy insurance. So appreciate this group.
So what you're saying is, all the advice the "mastermind" group gave amounted to: Find in demand products, fulfill your orders quickly (or use FBA) and make sure everything is legit?

Sounds like you got ripped off, paying for common sense.
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Old 01-09-2016
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Default Re: $ limit goes up for each feedback received?


You sound like my better half saying "The people making money are the ones selling to the sellers." Yep, in this case, I lost a lot of $$s. And don't think I haven't thought of that. My 1st Q4, I made bad buying choices resulting in lackluster profits. This Q4, I was able to make much better choices (thanks to the MM group), but it definitely cost me much more (due to the suspension). Btw, I'm a nobody, don't claim to understand how all this works exactly, but I do get up when I get knocked down. Thank you for this site and for sharing the wisdom. I appreciate it and am glad to be part of the resistance.

Last edited by Cloak_d; 01-09-2016 at 03:38 AM.
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Old 01-09-2016
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Default Re: $ limit goes up for each feedback received?

Originally Posted by Cloak_d View Post

You sound like my better half saying "The people making money are the ones selling to the sellers." Yep, in this case, I lost a lot of $$s. And don't think I haven't thought of that. My 1st Q4, I made bad buying choices resulting in lackluster profits. This Q4, I was able to make much better choices (thanks to the MM group), but it definitely cost me much more (due to the suspension). Btw, I'm a nobody, don't claim to understand how all this works exactly, but I do get up when I get knocked down. Thank you for this site and for sharing the wisdom. I appreciate it and am glad to be part of the resistance.
I wasn't busting your balls to be a jerk, I was genuinely curious to hear what you learned.

I always suspected those hustlers to be full of it. After all, if they were making so much cash selling on Amazon, why create competition for themselves? It doesn't make sense.

You've essentially confirmed that they are full of crap. Unless I'm missing something?
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Old 01-09-2016
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Default Re: $ limit goes up for each feedback received?

Ah, I see what you're driving at GOA. And yes, it seems on the surface to be a pretty fishy way to generate additional streams of income. But I certainly think it worked for them.

I think the key here is the size of the group. The forces that ran this Q4 success enterprise had 20 or 30 or ? groups and each group had 100 participants, each of which had paid $200 for the privilege of membership. The numbers add up quickly (people and $$s). Members within each group were encouraged to find and post deals and shopping strategies. Deals were supposedly shared only between the participants of each group. However, we had no idea who comprised the higher organizing group who of course had access to the "secret deals" that were posted across all of the smaller groups.

The organizers "might" indeed be full of crap, but the whole concept is brilliant really. Amazonesque in nature and a total win win for them for sure. They collect the membership $$s and get to spend the windfall on the best of the terrific deals that people post in the groups.

Did it pay off for me? I'll say yes, primarily in the area of toys. I know nothing about toys. All my kids are grown. I didn't know a Shopkin from a Pie Face. I learned many shopping-related timing and tips. I also learned the power of Merchant Fulfillment during this time of year -- learned that lesson way to well. lol So yes, I definitely think it was worth it, as this was not just a "Here's a list, go buy all this stuff and make $$s in Q4." It was more of a complete educational experience. I also made connections with successful marketers that will last into the future.

Did their hustle make money? Oh yes, a lot. I just hope none of these "organizers" went out and bought a pallet or 2 of hover boards with their jackpot

So was it crap? Nope. Made a lot of money and learned a lot as well. I did get suspended in the process, but now I'm back, and stealth is going to take me to the next level in this business. Sometimes you have to pay a fee to learn best practices. Saves you $$s in the long run. That's why I paid for that group and thats why I bought the Stealth guides and will pay to be part of this group. Both will make me money in the longer run.
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Old 01-09-2016
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Default Re: $ limit goes up for each feedback received?

Originally Posted by Cloak_d View Post
I learned many shopping-related timing and tips. I also learned the power of Merchant Fulfillment during this time of year -- learned that lesson way to well. lol So yes, I definitely think it was worth it, as this was not just a "Here's a list, go buy all this stuff and make $$s in Q4." It was more of a complete educational experience. I also made connections with successful marketers that will last into the future.
Thanks for clarifying.

Couple more questions (and feel free to ignore them or tell me to buzz off, after all, I didn't spend the time or money learning the info I'm requesting).

Can you elaborate on the "power of merchant fulfillment"? What does that mean? Do you mean some people prefer purchasing from third-party fulfilled sellers, as opposed to FBA or Amazon sold items?

Could you share some of the shopping strategies or tips? Obviously, don't give away anything specific---i.e. don't talk about specific items which were excellent profit makers or anything of that nature----but if you could give general strategies you learned, I'm sure many here would benefit from it.

And even if you don't want to answer the above, I'm curious as to what else you learned from them? $200 for information provided by people you didn't pay is pretty steep----you're getting access to other people who paid to get access? Huh? Aren't most of them just as clueless? How do they prevent leechers? Is it just a forum like this?

This forum is a good value---37 bucks for the book AND forum membership. If it were $200, I would definitely have passed.
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Old 01-10-2016
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Default Re: $ limit goes up for each feedback received?

Originally Posted by GhostOfAmazon View Post
This forum is a good value---37 bucks for the book AND forum membership. If it were $200, I would definitely have passed.
I paid nothing, its free,how come you paid so much!!!!!
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Old 01-10-2016
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Default Re: $ limit goes up for each feedback received?

Originally Posted by Taking The Micky View Post
I paid nothing, its free,how come you paid so much!!!!!
To be fair, I actually used the Trial Pay offer, so technically mine was free, at the cost of cancelling a free trial of Stamps.com
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Old 01-10-2016
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By the "power of merchant fulfillment", I'm referring more specifically to the Q4 toy-buying-frenzy time frame, but also generally to all times of year and other niche items that are in hot demand. Lets say that its getting close to the cut-off time for sending items into the FBA center in time for Black Friday or Xmas. You've sent your items in, but you're selling out fast. And lets say that while browsing through Target, you've come across a stockpile of an in-demand toy like "Mystery Shopkins" for $35 a pop. Its Dec 8 and you don't trust that your shipment will arrive to the FBA center in time for all those last minute shoppers. You can put them all in your cart while at Target and price them to get the buy box (using your cell phone or your stealth connection) and sell through your entire stock before you get to the cash register (might be safer to wait to list these until you get them in your car, just in case you run into a snag at checkout) lol You've made a quick $300 bucks. (This happens often btw). You can take the money and run OR you can stockpile these in your basement and wait until the last week before Xmas when prices DO go wild (that $300 can be more like $500)--- I know as I was watching them when I was hoping to get reinstated in time to cash in. Again all MF, 2-3 day priority mail. You have to cut off the mail-in date at a point where you feel comfortable that your item will absolutely arrive on time to give to Johnny for Xmas. Anyway, that's a whole 'nother topic.

Shopping tip? Here's one about timing and selling and returns. Again, toy related. By the end of October, certain folks will know what toys are going to be hot. Ask any person working in retail about what toys are selling the best and are hard to keep on the shelves. (Or join one of these MM groups lol) First 2 weeks of November is when you work like a Banshee. You go first thing in the morning to Target, TRU and Walmart (maybe even in the middle of the night for 24 hour Walmarts) and snatch up every one of these toys you can find from every store in the area. By the week before Thanksgiving, you're pretty much done and you're basement is SRO lol. Starting on BF, the Great American Buying Frenzy will begin focusing on getting Suzie one of these hot toys. You pull the trigger on your 20 Mystery Shopkins by pricing it to get the buy box. You will literally sell out in 6 minutes. Again, resist pulling the trigger too early....crazy things happen to prices the week before Christmas. Keep all receipts. If you buy stuff at Target, use the Red Card. You have 120 days to return. Walmart 90 days. There are a few toys that I need to return since I was suspended right before Xmas.

I'm sorry if all of this sounds like Captain Obvious information, and it probably is for you veterans. Just wanted to share some of the "learnings" that made a huge difference in my Q4 bottom line.
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Old 01-10-2016
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Default Re: $ limit goes up for each feedback received?


As to your point:

"And even if you don't want to answer the above, I'm curious as to what else you learned from them? $200 for information provided by people you didn't pay is pretty steep----you're getting access to other people who paid to get access? Huh? Aren't most of them just as clueless? How do they prevent leechers? Is it just a forum like this?"

Yes, yes and surprisingly not. lol

I didn't know what to expect when I jumped in. Out of a hundred people in the group, there were maybe a dozen substantive posters bringing a really good mix of backgrounds to the table. I'm positive there were leechers, starting with some of the organizers and followed by 80 or more non-posters. I brought and shared my knowledge of selling clothes and shoes, most of which I had learned by spending a stint in (another) paid group earlier in the year. There was one gal who was dubbed the toy queen and there was no question that she had been doing this for a number of years and making a lot of $$s in the process. There were others who were well acquainted with rules. And then there were a couple others who were just hustlers, always out looking for bargains and sharing them with the group. I can't explain why this group worked so well together except that 11 out of the 12 sharers were women lol Oh, I guess this is where I divulge that I don't have any balls to break, but I got the gist lol We communicated via an IM tool, not a forum.
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Old 01-10-2016
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Default Re: $ limit goes up for each feedback received?

Cloak d, very bemused in what you are saying. So you say "Target" sells "hot" goods cheaper than amazon, must be at least 25% to cover your amazon selling fees and profit for yourself, then you sell these goods at 25% over "Targets" price and get the buy box over amazon even when you are a merchant fulfilling. Buy Box for a non FBA seller is difficult to achieve in any event and you must be the cheapest seller. So you are also saying also that you are the cheapest seller in the listing even buying goods from "Target"
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Old 01-10-2016
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Default Re: $ limit goes up for each feedback received?

Originally Posted by GhostOfAmazon View Post
To be fair, I actually used the Trial Pay offer, so technically mine was free, at the cost of cancelling a free trial of Stamps.com
Whatever works
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Old 01-10-2016
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Default Re: $ limit goes up for each feedback received?

Hi TTM, here's an example:

The magic combination:
1. Buying the right toy at the right time (when they are relatively easy to find)
2. Works best for a Target (Walmart, etc) exclusive, but can work for non--exclusives as well
3. The closer to Xmas (on either side) the more profit you make

Since I've mentioned this already, I'll use the item "Mystery Shopkins". Like I said before, I had never heard of this item before...apparently it is popular with toddlers? Anyway, during the 1st 2 weeks of Nov, it was possible to go into a Target store (of which I have at least a dozen within a 100 mile radius) and buy these MSs for $35 ea. So lets say I stockpile 32 of these. By Dec 9, AZ had a price on these of $68. This toy had a ranking of 567. Whoever had the buy box could easily sell all 32 in 5 minutes. Even after fees, that's $20/box profit.

Check out the price of the item right now....$89. You won't sell all 32 in five minutes, but you could sell them all in one day. Now of course you're putting out a lot of up-front capital, so not everyone can play this game, but it does work. And MF is golden in that magic window when AZ is out of stock and FBA folks run out of stock. Now you're king of the roost.

These are not "typical" Target items....these are items you can ONLY buy at Target (called Target exclusives). AZ can not sell Target exclusives. So you don't compete with AZ on these items.

Repeat this for a list about 12 items long and you can make some serious cash. Not sure if I'll find items that work this magic the rest of the year, but I'll be looking!

Edit-Just a note: Starting Black Friday, you were lucky to find MSs anywhere. Target didn't have any, AZ couldn't sell any, prices shot up. BTW, at one point there were 436 sellers on AZ for this item, so it wasn't a huge secret. lol

Last edited by Cloak_d; 01-10-2016 at 10:54 PM.
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Old 01-11-2016
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Default Re: $ limit goes up for each feedback received?

Originally Posted by Cloak_d View Post
Hi TTM, here's an example:

The magic combination:
1. Buying the right toy at the right time (when they are relatively easy to find)
2. Works best for a Target (Walmart, etc) exclusive, but can work for non--exclusives as well
3. The closer to Xmas (on either side) the more profit you make

Since I've mentioned this already, I'll use the item "Mystery Shopkins". Like I said before, I had never heard of this item before...apparently it is popular with toddlers? Anyway, during the 1st 2 weeks of Nov, it was possible to go into a Target store (of which I have at least a dozen within a 100 mile radius) and buy these MSs for $35 ea. So lets say I stockpile 32 of these. By Dec 9, AZ had a price on these of $68. This toy had a ranking of 567. Whoever had the buy box could easily sell all 32 in 5 minutes. Even after fees, that's $20/box profit.

Check out the price of the item right now....$89. You won't sell all 32 in five minutes, but you could sell them all in one day. Now of course you're putting out a lot of up-front capital, so not everyone can play this game, but it does work. And MF is golden in that magic window when AZ is out of stock and FBA folks run out of stock. Now you're king of the roost.

These are not "typical" Target items....these are items you can ONLY buy at Target (called Target exclusives). AZ can not sell Target exclusives. So you don't compete with AZ on these items.

Repeat this for a list about 12 items long and you can make some serious cash. Not sure if I'll find items that work this magic the rest of the year, but I'll be looking!

Edit-Just a note: Starting Black Friday, you were lucky to find MSs anywhere. Target didn't have any, AZ couldn't sell any, prices shot up. BTW, at one point there were 436 sellers on AZ for this item, so it wasn't a huge secret. lol
Basically, he's doing with toys what people have been doing with videogames and comic book related stuff for years. Good examples are the Wii U "Aimiibos" (spelling?) or ANYTHING Star Wars when a new movie releases.

Buy everything and sell it when stock runs out on Amazon (and if it's running low at Wal-mart, it WILL run low at Amazon). Now, this is a little different, as these types of items aren't exclusive, but there's plenty of money to be made. Everytime a new videogame console launches (Xbox One, Playstation, etc) this also happens. Collectables or limited editions of any type (Look up "Destiny Collectors Edition") are also worth much more than sticker price.
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