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eBay Suspensions General issues related to eBay Suspensions. Mostly geared towards

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Old 07-30-2007
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Originally Posted by donenvy View Post
ok im still having problems. ok to make sure im not being stupid. these are the steps i am taking. im from the uk, i dont know if that is making a difference.

Step 1.
a)created an account
b)hen downloaded aol 9.0VR
i have to allow it to install otherwise it doesnt do nothing but try installing again
c)double click the aol icon
d)click sign on as a guest user
e)enter details but it says login incorrect(but i can log into the email address with same details on aim)
Make sure that that you set the "connection" settings properly. You if have DSL you have to use broadband or tcp/ip to connect. You can not have the settings as dial up as AOL will reach out to dial a number to connect. Also, Make sure the AOL has servers in the UK.

You are downloading the UK Version? Click the link and download.
You do have a UK AOL Email address right?

Or are you trying to set it up as a US email address? If not you need to get the UK Email addy and the UK Aol Software.
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Old 07-30-2007
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I also like to use them thru AOL and really screw around with them that way... Home IP hidden on AOL Server, then in the AOL built in browser go to say youhide and then go to the website you want. So your IP is basically buried 2 deep.... Proxy IP on top of AOL IP on top of Home IP, so then if there are any scripts that can break though and get an underlying IP it would be AOL.
Agh! More questions. Hope I'm not driving you as crazy as I feel. lol
By logging into AOL on another dial-up connection, will you have the IP of your provider, or AOL? AOL offers a hidden screen for broadband but does this extend to dial-up users? This has been asked, hypothesized, but no conclusive answers as of yet. What's your take?

In your ebay preferences, uncheck the box for "Ebay Checkout" "Offer Paypal" and select that you have a merchant account. This way when the auction is over the checkout feature is not available to them, You have to uncheck paypal as well, becuase ebay states that any auction that offers paypal the buyer wil automatically get to use checkout plus the "pay now" button will appear in the auctions won category in their my ebay which they can click. That is why you need to uncheck them both.
I use Auctiva to send my end of auction notices with the info. This way you only need to type it once and it goes to everyone.
If you're on a linked account would you still be able to do this? I believe the linked account requires you to offer paypal as one of your options. I have reasons for this (low feedback, wanting to offer buy it now, international trade, etc). Is there a way to still do this while using the information above or are you just going to have to choose which one you want more? I've never used Auctiva to send end of auction notices. Is this difficult to set up and are there any special requirements (certain number of feedback, etc)?

3) Wow. And MwaHaHaHa. I may use this on my recent bad buyer. So ebay doesn't do a check on these addresses to see if they're business or whatever? Also, I assume you just make sure the phone prefix and everything matches the area of the address correct? I suppose this would be another way to get back at a buyer/seller right? Supplying their number and advertising it as something popular (lonely ladies hehe) might drive them crazy with calls. LOL. But assuming that ebay may call that number, how could you use the business number, unless of course you don't mind annoying that business and the risk that ebay might suspend you if it doesn't match? Did I misunderstand that part? Or did you mean that you only use the business number to get the prefix and area code?

NO NO My friend, The address is what you want after you get the address go to privatephone and get the phone number. You see the address (location) that you got from google, you use with privatephone by selecting the "area code" you want your free number in, Then you use that number with the address for ebay. BUT yes, you could use the phone number of the buyer/seller as well as long as it is in that area. You can not have a CA. address with a NY phone number. If you are going to do the prank of posting the persons number on the web so they get annoying calls, I HIGHLY suggest that you use a proxy or do a double proxy to hide yourself.
Ah, I see!

As for having fun with bad buyers/sellers, could the following hypothetical situation be easily possible?

A buyer is obviously only buying so they can leave you a negative, and you're pretty sure that this new "buyer" is actually another buyer who created this account so his own wouldn't be affected by leaving a negative. Solution: Create a new account using the name and address of the bad buyer. Then create another account using the name and address of the person with the high feedback account who screwed you via the bad buyer. Buy cheap .01 items 10 or so at a time under this information. Then let it sit for 30 days, or start selling immediately (depending on whether or not you actually want this account to stand a chance of surviving). Then with the backup account, begin your regular account building--you'll already have a name and address picked out for yourself. Since that account is built on information created by a user with no feedback, it couldn't hurt him, whereas the user with a lot of feedback could be hurt quite a lot by being suspended if your account ever was. In essence, you would have a "practice" account to try out anything you like, best case you would rack up lots of feedback quick and worse case you get suspended and so does the seller who hurt you on the other account. A win/win in other words.

Correct, You can use the account to test whatever you want to see if it will work and if anything bad happens (suspended) this could be associated back to the buyer/seller you want to attack so to speak. OR you can use that account to go and continually buy the sellers items and not pay for them until he blocks you or even better.... If the info is associated to that seller Ebay might think he is shill bidding....
That is devilishly clever. I love it. :D

5) I always thought that if there is no money in the other person's account that Paypal couldn't refund your money and you would have to charge back? But you're saying the customer will get their money back every time and it's Paypal who is stiffed no matter what?
Originally Posted by FeeBay Balling View Post
Yes, What you are saying is correct to a point. For example - a buyer pays for the item. The seller runs off with the money, the buyer files the dispute with paypal for a refund. Seller does not repsond as he is gone, paypal tells the buyer.. YOU WON THE DISPUTE but unfortunately we can not get your money back.... as the buyer you file a chargeback with your credit card company and they will refund you. Thus, doing a chargeback on paypal for the amount. Paypal will then be stuck with the chargeback which they will try and get back from the seller. Paypal, might also freeze the buyers account for doing the chargeback as well. The buyer also might get money back thru the "ebay/paypal insurance" that they have. All in All though, the buyer will get their money back and paypal holds the bag. NOTE: This is why when you pay for something thru paypal ALWAYS use a credit card as the source of payment. This is also why paypal is an open source for abuse, wanna make $300 or more in 1 day? I will tell you how for $5.00. :D
I'll get back to you on that one

P.S. I'm definatley going to try some of these things--if nothing else it may provide me with more good accounts with nothing to lose--but I'm still wondering if it would be worthwhile or a waste of time to continue to sell on a low feedback account with one negative. I'm only one away from being able to offer buy it now (if I link the account to paypal) on this account. But I don't want these items to be associated with this account for any length of time if it turns out to just be a waste of time. They're unique enough that they could easily be identified with other accounts I might try to sell them under (at least within the same month or so). Lately this account has been keeping a low profile and haven't been listing, and I haven't had any more angry emails from this person. He may just be waiting for me to list again under this user name or the coast may be clear now and he may have moved on. Do you think it's worth risking or better to just ditch that account and start fresh?
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Old 07-30-2007
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Feebay ive tried the links youve provided and also yet again it comes up with the same message? its driving me up the wall. my email add is i made. but yet when using these details.
log on (dvsmoot) as screen name and then the password. comes up same error? what am i to try now?
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Old 07-31-2007
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My first thought is that somehow that UK version of AOL is reaching out to the wrong database for your login.

Maybe??? Your forgot your password or think it is something it is not??? Maybe you have caps on or had caps on when you registered??

You did use the link for the FREE UK AOL EMAIL address right? I know you mention aim before and am wondering if you signed up for the aim service not the email service.

Try and create another email account using the link for the free email. Don't worry you can sign up 100 a day if you want. Just clear your cookies in between.
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Old 07-31-2007
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Agh! More questions. Hope I'm not driving you as crazy as I feel. lol By logging into AOL on another dial-up connection, will you have the IP of your provider, or AOL? AOL offers a hidden screen for broadband but does this extend to dial-up users? This has been asked, hypothesized, but no conclusive answers as of yet. What's your take?
No, The broadband is for DSL/Broadband users. Well, Acutally you could try I really can't answer that one as I have DSL. It can not hurt at most AOL will tell you no. When I am in AOL I am on "broadband" by the drop down on AOL.

If you're on a linked account would you still be able to do this? I believe the linked account requires you to offer paypal as one of your options. I have reasons for this (low feedback, wanting to offer buy it now, international trade, etc). Is there a way to still do this while using the information above or are you just going to have to choose which one you want more? I've never used Auctiva to send end of auction notices. Is this difficult to set up and are there any special requirements (certain number of feedback, etc)?
That is where you might be stuck is with the International Trade selling.... Other than that you do not need to offer paypal in your auctions where you are NOT selling internationally. You can still offer "buy it now" to customers without offering paypal. You just can use the "immediate payment required" as ebay does not allow you to connect your merchant account to the checkout. Plus they don't make any money from it.

Auctiva is free - no special requirements.
The end of auction email addresses are simple. Just ype what you want save it and for auto email settings choose that email that you just created. NOTE: When you use auctive they need to "generate a token" to be able to connect to ebay to do things for you. Their privacy policy states that they do not share information only if it is legally needed. As of yet, Ebay has not bought them out BUT ebay has approved them as a 3rd party authorized to access ebays databases. Now, Who knows what the private agreement might be between the 2 of them. But I have used them for awhile and have not had any problems. I have almost managed to never have to go to ebay and login for anything. Auto Emails, Auto Insertion of listings, Auto Feedback, Auto Payment Reminders, Auto Ship Notices etc etc... I have to go into the account once a month to pay them... on some that is... Some have CCs attached that I never have to visit the site.

P.S. I'm definatley going to try some of these things--if nothing else it may provide me with more good accounts with nothing to lose--but I'm still wondering if it would be worthwhile or a waste of time to continue to sell on a low feedback account with one negative. I'm only one away from being able to offer buy it now (if I link the account to paypal) on this account. But I don't want these items to be associated with this account for any length of time if it turns out to just be a waste of time. They're unique enough that they could easily be identified with other accounts I might try to sell them under (at least within the same month or so). Lately this account has been keeping a low profile and haven't been listing, and I haven't had any more angry emails from this person. He may just be waiting for me to list again under this user name or the coast may be clear now and he may have moved on. Do you think it's worth risking or better to just ditch that account and start fresh?
Have fun with them you have nothing to lose, there are 24 hours in a day. Like they say "Nothing ventured Nothing gained". Knowledge my friend is valuable and powerful.

When I get hit with a neg on an account early (rare) but it does happen. Then on that account I stop selling for awhile and that account becomes my "buying" account till the feedback is raised. Also, bury the neg if you can.. What I mean by that is you are allowed to leave "responses" to feedback that is left for you thus pushing feedback down the page.... the more "responses" you can leave above the neg the further it goes down the page... Sooner or later it will be on the 3 rd page... most buyers do not venture past the 1st page and if the first page are positives then they probably think it is for something stupid... after all you are you must not be bad otherwise ebay would have kicked you off for it....(buyer thinking use it to your advantage).
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Old 08-01-2007
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That answer satisfied almost everything. Almost.

The good news is that I spoke with someone from ebay who actually seemed to know what they were talking about and from a higher up position. It seems that you do not in fact have to offer paypal, the link is more for ebay's benefit, and the two are separate. However, I'm a little concerned about not being able to offer immediate payment. Concerned but not surprised. Would there still be a way to avoid (or minimize) those lovely buyers who don't really have the money or intention to pay? Or does it just become one of the risks of doing business at that point? What do you do to help prevent nonpaying bidders with your setup?

On the auction auto settings for Auctiva, is there a separate location for this or is it somewhere in the preferences? I assume it's a bunch of settings that are all grouped together just like the details area right? That you just tab through, enter your information, and then move to the next option? As I said, I've never used this feature so I don't have a clue where to look.

As to the burying feedback, I know you can leave a response (depending on who leaves the feedback/response first) twice I believe. Is there another way to keep replying with more information, or are you referring to if you have more than one neg? On a low feedback account, two responses doesn't take up that much room, especially given that ebay limits the amount of words in your response.

One more note. On the messing with bad buyer/sellers, when you supply their information, would you want to get their phone number too, or is the address enough to get ebay to flag them? The phone number and other pertinent information is I believe only available if you do an information request. Which isn't a big thing, but it also sends your information to them and lets them know you requested it. Is it preferable to just supply another (free) number?

Ok, think that's it.
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Old 08-01-2007
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The good news is that I spoke with someone from ebay who actually seemed to know what they were talking about and from a higher up position. It seems that you do not in fact have to offer paypal, the link is more for ebay's benefit, and the two are separate. However, I'm a little concerned about not being able to offer immediate payment. Concerned but not surprised. Would there still be a way to avoid (or minimize) those lovely buyers who don't really have the money or intention to pay? Or does it just become one of the risks of doing business at that point? What do you do to help prevent nonpaying bidders with your setup?
Yeah, the immediate payment is tied into paypal not your own personal merchant account. Which sucks in a way but not surprising the ebay would offer that only for their services and not others. They say they are here to help the sellers but they listen (in one ear out the other) and do nothing.
What you can do if you are selling the item at a fixed price and want immediate payment. Have a checkout button within your auction page. Make sure you put a disclaimer that says winner please click here after your purchase to pay immediately. This has worked for some of the auctions I have used it on and they have not been pulled. The benefit??? You ask.....
When people look at the auction and if they want it they will click the button and it takes them to your payment page. If they pay for it, you have a sale and you send the item. BUT the auction is still going as they never really confirmed the purchase thru the buy now button first. This avoids paying fees for the FVF with ebay. You do though have to have more than one of those items to sell for this to work. If you are running an auction lets say and customers ask you questions about the item, you can answer them this way... Setup a FAQ page on your website with auction info such as combined shipping, insurance etc etc.. whatever a customer might ask. If the question was not on the list then just add it and update the page. Then send the customer and email back with a link to that page and tell them to please review the FAQ page for more information. NOW on that page have links to pages for the product you are trying to sell with "buy it now" buttons on it offering your merchant account or paypal. The customer might just buy straight from the site instead of thru ebay (especially if the price is a little lower than you auction)... Seeing as the customer is brain washed about paypal, they will still feel they are protected and purchase. Mind you that some might not, but anyone that does it a sale!!! Fee free from Ebay.
There are tons of marketing ways to offer an item to the buyer without them going thru paypal. Once they send you an email and ask a question this is your oppurtunity to SELL it to them.

About Non Paying bidders - It is part of the game and there really is nothing that you can or can't do. I mean to some extent you can. Go into your my ebay preferences and under buyers select the things that you want.. i.e. no buyer with 2 unpaid stikes within 30 days, no buyer with -1 feedback. These can help but as I mentioned not full proof if the buyers intent is to bid and not pay. The real answer take it as it comes, there is really nothing you can o to prevent it.

On the auction auto settings for Auctiva, is there a separate location for this or is it somewhere in the preferences? I assume it's a bunch of settings that are all grouped together just like the details area right? That you just tab through, enter your information, and then move to the next option? As I said, I've never used this feature so I don't have a clue where to look.
For auctiva, if you are in your account then there are tabs along the top. For to setup the end of auction email click the tab for "sales" the click "create template" after you have set it up then click "auto email settings" o select the email you typed.

For feedback it is under tab "sales" click the link for "manage feedback" create the sayings you want for a positive, negative or a neutral. then click the link "auto feedback settings". NOTE: If a buyer leaves you a positive that is what they will get in return. Positive/Postive . If they leave you a neg the system wont fire one back but will tell you that you got one and ask what you want to do. Fire the Neg back. Buyers seeing an auto feedback system are more likely NOT to leave a neg as to fear of getting one back. Just like sellers do not want them well neither do buyers.

As to the burying feedback, I know you can leave a response (depending on who leaves the feedback/response first) twice I believe. Is there another way to keep replying with more information, or are you referring to if you have more than one neg? On a low feedback account, two responses doesn't take up that much room, especially given that ebay limits the amount of words in your response.
No, You can leave a response to a positve as well. This is also where you take adavantage of way to market your website... Like if your website is named dogbones.... you can put a reply saying... dogbones website thanks you for your purchase... most people figure out the .com part.

One more note. On the messing with bad buyer/sellers, when you supply their information, would you want to get their phone number too, or is the address enough to get ebay to flag them? The phone number and other pertinent information is I believe only available if you do an information request. Which isn't a big thing, but it also sends your information to them and lets them know you requested it. Is it preferable to just supply another (free) number?
Jack, my boy hold out your hand so I can smack it with a ruler......
Use the knowledge I am giving you, think a little... "How can I get that phone number for that seller?".... hmmm I have his address, I have his name.....
Ok, I will help use GOOGLE.... just google the info, if it is a business the info will come up. If it is a person use this website SuperPages and use the reverse address lookup...
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Old 08-01-2007
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Still more great info, THANK Y U FEEBAY and ASPKIN TOO!
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Old 08-03-2007
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Ah, I..uh...whoops...*holds out hand*

Sorry, too busy in the forest to see the trees there. :o

I'll assume it's best to match up the information (all of it) as closely as possible if you're wanting to try and lay blame at this persons doorstep so to speak, so I should probably use his number rather than a free account number.

Yes that makes a lot of sense. I see now. As for the first part about adding checkout buttons within auctions and updating pages on your website--is there a way you can use Auctiva as your own personal "box" for everything until you get the website ready for the products you're selling? And when you did offer the checkout button within your auction, was this after you had been established a while, or could you get away with this straight from the get go? I'm a little sheepish about trying something like that on a fresh account when you're just trying to get established and make those first impressions.

About selling to customers to avoid the paypal system--what types of methods do you recommend? Ebay always throws up that "only buy through the ebay system" disclaimer and it's tough to get by that. I'm sure it would help if you just directed them to your website, but presently that's still under construction, so I guess I'm a little more limited with options. But then again, I could just be having trouble with those d@mned trees again!


By the way, sent you a PM. Thanks
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Old 08-04-2007
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right guys. i thought this method was going to be free. because of all the problems i have been having with this. and nothing seem to be working. i thought id call aol tech help, now they have told me that i have to be an AOL Member, etc (Buy a pay monthly package from them in order to be able to get a screen name and password!!???) in order to use AOL 9.0. that signing up for a free email service will not allow me to use AOL 9.0, as it is only for monthly paying customers??? is this true? FeeBay when you asked me if i had internet connection. did u mean if i had any internet connection or AOL Internet connection. I use Virgin Media internet connection. AOL are telling me they couldnt find my account, and that i am only able to use it if i buy a package from them? if anyone can tell me if this is correct. Probably my own mistake, i didnt understand you guys and that i needed an AOL Internet package???!!!
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Old 08-05-2007
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I've tried both proxy servers you mentioned, FB and they both seem to be rejecting some websites, paypal for instance. I've cleared cookies and this has no affect. Different browser, no affect. What settings do you recommend for the most versatile browse using these services and firefox? And I still can't get AOL to work (see latest post). All I can find is 9.0 VR downloads. I need regular 9 optimized or possibly SE before I can try it to see if it will work on dial.
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Old 08-06-2007
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It happens to me when I use either of the above proxies to reach Paypal. The site itself comes up but I can't log in. It just keeps spitting my login details back at me. It wasn't a glitch because I tried it with regular firefox right after and no problems.

By the way, AOL problems continue. I found the download, logged in and tried to connect. AOL blocked the connection. I ended up having to sign up for the trial package. So much for that idea. It seems you cannot use one existing DU connection to ride on the aol browser IP.
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Old 08-08-2007
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Cool Having read this helpful info...

Originally Posted by FeeBay Balling View Post
Hello All!
First I want to say that I have read the forums and you all have some interesting ideas and aspkin has a nice guide to follow. So here I am I will share some things with you all, but I will tell you about my mistake first. I was naru'd about 7 years ago (stupid really) but I just setup another account and moved on. A couple of days ago when I went to revise an item ebay ebay would not let me until I verified my paypal account. It was late and I was not thinking so I click the link and verified. I was then allowed to revise and go to bed... none the less the next morning I was naru'd . Then it it hit me that the reason was because that paypal account was associated with my old naru'd account. "No information will be shared" well that statement is BS so don't buy it.

Don't worry it is only a flesh wound, I still have my other accounts as I was prepared. Here is how I do it and where I agree with the guide.

Note: When I go to create an account I do it all in one session from one IP address thru AOL.
1) Get a new email account - AOL is now free and this is great as ebay assumes that you are paying for the service so they do not give you a hassle like with other email accounts.
2) Download AOL software to be able to sign on as a guest. The reason for this is because each time you sign on thru AOL it is a different IP address. Even for cable/DSL, remember to do it all in one session.
3) Get a prepard card like using simon cards or from a store. Reloadable if you want.
4) Create an ebay account with a ⊗⊗⊗⊗ address and phone number keep it within your area. Use google maps if you need to see the streets within your area.
5) Create a paypal account with the same information as the Ebay account.
6) Get a free hosting account. Right now Auctiva is allowing you to use their services for free
Then lets the accounts sleep for awhile - no activity at all.
The goal is to create 1 account a day so by the time you are at the 31st account you are ready to begin to play.

How to a play -- Simply by buying things not cheap not expensive but things that you will need. I personally buy shipping supplies as I know I will need them and you build your feedback. I also do not go on a buying spree all in one day. Each day purchase something with your various accounts and allow them to grow. I never pay for anything with paypal as the information for the time being is ⊗⊗⊗⊗ and you wont get your items you paid for.
Think of your ebay ids as children, you need to nuture them and watch them grow. Before you know it they are ready for the big leagues.

OK, Now that the kids are ready to get out there and swing for the fences what do I do...
1) I go and get a savings account. You can even get them online now with most banks without leaving the house.
2) I get a PO Box (6 months rental), You can get them from post offices or UPS now.
2) I get my prepaid card out that I purchased.
3) I get a prepaid cell phone. Cheap crap that means nothing. In case ebay wants to call me... lol
4) 1 week before I will begin to sell I open up my ebay and paypal account that I want to sell on and update the information. (note: this is why you when you set them up you keep the addresses within your area or if you made the mistake of putting in an address that is away from where you are then you need to go get a po box in that area. Use the reason that you work in the area and it is easier to pick your mail up there if they ask).
5) I then am ready to list auctions of which I start with some "household type" of items, if you need items buy them at thrift stores, flea markets or buy a closeout pallet to start you off. I list between 10 - 15 items for the 1st week and slowly increase the number. One thing to note here is that I have anywhere between 5 - 8 accounts running auctions which is around 50 - 120 items a week. Spread it around it is worth it. This may seem like a lot of work but in the long run it is not especailly if you are making good money. I have not gone back to work for corporate america for approx. 8 years.
6) I almost forgot - get the paypal debit card to use to pay your ebay fees. (if you want)

Items I use to help control the mayhem.
1) An index card system with every single account that I have and any information associated with them.
2) An excel spreadsheet with all the names and addresses that I used, this way you do not use the same name or address by accident.
3) I use for shipping I will not chance using paypal for this.
4) I am fortunate enough to have a desktop and a mac laptop with bootcamp installed (1/2 mac and 1/2 windows) and my accounts are associated by which system I used to set them up. This way if it is the computer info that they use to get you I will still have 2/3 of my accounts available for use.

Rules -
1) If your account is Naru'd and the buyer pays ship them the item do not take your anger for ebay out on the customer besides you might sell to them again in the future.
2) Walk do not run
3) Dont screw the customer as this will raise the biggest problems plus it is bad karma.
4) Never email ebay about anything
5) try to answer your customers directly from your email account not thru the ebay system.

I am sure I forgot something and will come back to add more and share more. I hope some of this helps and will share more. Best of luck!
If I register a new account on ebay, I have no doubt that there wouldn't be a problem if I follow what you are saying. I have pretty much been reading the threads since 00:30 last night continuosly and have gathered all of the information available including that I should not buy the Robert Windsor guide as it's a load of bull. My only question is if I am using a ⊗⊗⊗⊗ address but I need to first make a few purchases on ebay then how do I receive my items if they are sent to this ⊗⊗⊗⊗ address which I don't live at?
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Old 08-08-2007
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Ok, I've spent a lot of time going back over the first posts in this thread and some things just aren't adding up. FeeBay, if you can help with these questions on your posts, I would very much appreciate it! Thanks!

1) Just sign the back of the check or Money Order with the ⊗⊗⊗⊗ name and then endorse the back with yours for deposit.

How can you do this successfully? Won't the teller notice that both names are written by the same person? Do you ⊗⊗⊗⊗ the signature look too? And if they do get suspicious, wouldn't something like this be considered a type of bank fraud (even though you're actually the ⊗⊗⊗⊗ person)?

2) As far as Paypal - I have to say in all my years using them they have not once asked me to verify myself. Even on Ebay accounts where all I take is Paypal.. I have received and withdrawn amounts greater than $3000 in a month without question. Maybe I am a lucky one but it is kind of hard to imagine that is it. I will investigate this more and give an update to what it might be.

Paypal requires any activity more than $500/month to be a verified account. How are you able to do this? Or do you mean "verify" as in provide SSN and other docs?

3) Yes, I do mean create 1 paypal account for each of the ebay accounts and the information must be the same (even if ⊗⊗⊗⊗).

Also another good feature is that after the 60 days request the paypal card so that you can withdrawal money or at ATMs. If you have a merchant account - charge the card and get it that way.

Ok, so about the paypal card, how does this work on ⊗⊗⊗⊗ names? Are you saying to have the card sent in these ⊗⊗⊗⊗ names, sent to the ⊗⊗⊗⊗ address, forwarded to your real address, and then you take that card to the bank and use all that ⊗⊗⊗⊗ information to pull out the real cash? Wouldn't the bank atm be able to identify you if there were ever any questions or investigation? D@mn this almost sounds like we're trying to pull off major fraud or something. I know the intent is innocent enough, but most law enforcement probably wouldn't see it that way! I don't want to end up on the 6 o'clock news.

Now before someone asks - "How can I get the card if it has a ⊗⊗⊗⊗ address on it?" This is simple really - Go the USPS website and fill out the mail forwarding form online. wait a bit and test it by sending a letter to the address. If it is forwarded to the address you want then you are in business. Also, It is good to know that the person that lives there is not the name you are using. You do not want their mail going to you. It is also good to use big complexes or apartment buildings this way the tenants are always changing or moving and the Mailman does not know everyone.

For clarification, are you stating that whatever the "⊗⊗⊗⊗" address may be, file a mail forwarding FROM that address to your REAL address? This makes sense, just making sure I understand the system you're using. But what I don't quite understand is how you can know anything about this address if it's ⊗⊗⊗⊗? Or are you saying to use known addresses of big businesses and just forward the mail of this ficticious person to your real address? If that IS what you're saying, how would you even begin to determine what employees they have working there? And if anyone close to this ⊗⊗⊗⊗ name is employed? And even once you have attained that information, how would you get by the problem of the mail forwarding expiration?

4) When I sign up for paypal I do the following:
Add a credit card
then get the expanded use crap for $1.95
Then add a bank account - why not take some of the money they give (Yeah a whole 9 cents).
Doing this, I have not run into any problems
Also, I transfer money out all the time I do not leave a penny in the account.

Do you do this from the very start with a new paypal account or wait a bit? Doesn't the process you just mentioned remove almost all the limitations that are originally on a new account? Therefore the $500 limit should be lifted right then and there? As for not leaving a penny in the account, how do you buy? Only through checks and money orders? I really can't wait that long, paypal is a much better alternative I think. But I guess that is just a personal preference.

5) About your "Paypal Tip" post

Why would you want to make sure the real info was never NARU'd? Would this be on the possibility that the "buyer" might turn out to be an ebay employee in disguise? Please explain.

6) About the "Use real info/use ⊗⊗⊗⊗ info" debate:

How could you use your system integrated into a "real info" situation? Like a best of both worlds. I don't think I'm going to go for 31 new accounts. I have done fine with a handful so far, even with real info. The problem now is that with the new safeguards, a time is coming soon that I will have to engage in some of this practice. I just need to know what I can and can't do, should try and shouldn't try to reach into new territory while not sacrificing what I already have.

7) Linking your ebay account to paypal is not recommended especially if that PP account has suspended user info on it.

Ok, I deleted an address that MIGHT have been associated with an old suspended account (can't remember now). I have NOT linked this account to ebay yet nor has it ever been linked previously. Should this account be ok to link it to ebay, or not? As discussed previously, linkage is not just an option for me, it's a necessity for my current business plan.

8) 1 week before I will begin to sell I open up my ebay and paypal account that I want to sell on and update the information. (note: this is why you when you set them up you keep the addresses within your area or if you made the mistake of putting in an address that is away from where you are then you need to go get a po box in that area. Use the reason that you work in the area and it is easier to pick your mail up there if they ask).

Are you updating your information to your real shipping information at this point? If not, what are you updating? I've never had to get a PO box, just confirm the address and it will show on your account. Thus if you have the package sent there, you'll be covered as will the seller. If this isn't what you're referring to, please explain the intention.

9) I then am ready to list auctions of which I start with some "household type" of items, if you need items buy them at thrift stores, flea markets or buy a closeout pallet to start you off. I list between 10 - 15 items for the 1st week and slowly increase the number. One thing to note here is that I have anywhere between 5 - 8 accounts running auctions which is around 50 - 120 items a week. Spread it around it is worth it. This may seem like a lot of work but in the long run it is not especailly if you are making good money. I have not gone back to work for corporate america for approx. 8 years.

How modified are your auction descriptions between these accounts? Do they all have a completely different look and feel (and information?) Seems like a TON of work if they're all different information, different templates, and just a general vibe to the listing. Of course, it might be worth it in the long run, but coming up with 10 completely different looks would make me go schizo. lol

10) try to answer your customers directly from your email account not thru the ebay system.

Ok on this, if you were to ask a seller a question that might be suspected by the seller or ebay to be fraudulent (even though it's not), would you check off the option to supply your email address for reply or leave it anonymous? To date I have left it anonymous to help prevent spam. Might this be why I frequently have not received a reply to my question? Which would you recommend and why?

Some additional stuff:

Is there a reason why you choose a savings account for the paypal deposits to go to? Why not checking and then transfer over to savings? Just wondering if there is a method to your madness.

Back to the very beginning of the thread, were you talking about AOL only for broadband/cable/DSL? It read very much like you could use this method on any kind of connection including dial-up. I admit, I mis-read part of this earlier and ended up having to sign up for AOL. But if I can achieve this same IP hiding option with dial-up through following just the steps of your first post, obviously that would be preferred. Please clarify if you know.

Also, when a potential bidder/buyer emails you to ask a question and then they don't bid, is it very possible that this person was an ebay plant or someone just looking to build up dirt by giving you the opportunity to offer to sell it to them off ebay? This would seem to me the only logical reason as many times I receive questions, answer, but then they don't bid. I usually don't try to sell off ebay at that point.

About selling to customers to avoid the paypal system--what types of methods do you recommend? Ebay always throws up that "only buy through the ebay system" disclaimer and it's tough to get by that. I'm sure it would help if you just directed them to your website, but presently that's still under construction, so I guess I'm a little more limited with options.

As for the first part about adding checkout buttons within auctions and updating pages on your website--is there a way you can use Auctiva as your own personal "box" for everything until you get the website ready for the products you're selling? And when you did offer the checkout button within your auction, was this after you had been established a while, or could you get away with this straight from the get go? I'm a little sheepish about trying something like that on a fresh account when you're just trying to get established and make those first impressions.

I know, a lot of questions But I think they're all good ones, for everyone's benefit. Thank you for all the great information you've given so far. It's invaluable!
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Old 08-09-2007
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i like this alot its good is starting to come together in my head...i have been suspended several times for stupid mistakes and i started following aspkins forum o how to get back on evay and i just got suspended yesterday...the only think that is lighting a bulb it the paypal ebay catching on to that and sharing info together...also another thing...a buyer requested to send a money order through the mail and i told him my address through my messages on the ⊗⊗⊗⊗ account...does ebay check the messages and emails and could they link that account to a previous account....thanks
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Old 08-09-2007
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Default OK, I am back....

Ok You guys.... READ and read it twice or slower...

First, You do not need to be a member with AOL to use their software... Download AOL 9.0VR and when the software asks if you an existing member say no, setup an account.. NO
You use AOL 9.0VR by signing in as a guest.

Purchases and a ⊗⊗⊗⊗ address... I can't believe I have to explain this one again. If you win something on ebay send the seller a check or money order with the address you want it shipped to. You can not use PP with the ⊗⊗⊗⊗ addy as that is the addy the seller will ship to to be protected from PP. The seller can care less if you address matches what you have on Ebay, they are just happy that got paid.

Now Jack, Man I have my hand on the plug about to pull you off of life support.

Signing back of check/money order that has ⊗⊗⊗⊗ name... Exactly that sign away. Sign the check with the ⊗⊗⊗⊗ name and then sign your name. Or as I have also explained, Use variations on your name with accounts that you setup that way when you go to the bank you can say the person spelled your name wrong. Also, you can add a /blah blah and then just endorse it that way.. Bank Tellers... They LOVE conversation, they love to be talked to, If you are a shy person this might not work for you but if not talk about anything. Tell them how nice they look, ask questions about any new loan programs they got going on, or about CDs etc....

Yes, Paypal limits accounts to 500 withdrawal a month, then when you add a credit card it is 2000/month. Then when you a bank account there is no limit. That is how you lift the limits add a credit card and then add a bank account.

Paypal Card - Use the card at the ATM, a store, buy gas, if you have a merchant account charge the freakin card. There are a variety of ways to get the money out. If you are worried about the cameras at the bank, then go at night and wear a hooded sweatshirt with a ski mask then nobody will no who you are....

Yes, Forward mail from the "⊗⊗⊗⊗ address" to your real address. Now remember when I say "⊗⊗⊗⊗" it is meant that I do not live there nor the name assocaited to it lives there. BUT it is a real address, one that you can find on a map or on google. Jack, We went over this about how to get a ⊗⊗⊗⊗ address.

I make ALL my auctions purchases with a money order or a check, I do not use PP to purchase items (as I want to get them). I will say that I do use PP to "make purchases" between accounts to move money or when I need an extra hundred or so... (Please read other threads about what I mean about that last statement).

By creating New accounts, this allows to test the boundaries so to speak. For example, In some categories Ebay limits new accounts to how many items they can list in a week but by have multiple accounts that limit will not affect you. As with each account you list up to the limit. (i.e. 10 accounts limited to 10 items = 100 items per week). The test accounts also allow you to test how far you can push before they get canned or you get warned from ebay. Then when find those limits you make note of them for future reference.
For example, I have learned that if I list DVDs using the UPC code with a new account (0 feedback) I get limited to 10 per 7 days (high priced boxsets). BUT If I list the auctions without using the UPC I can post as about 20 before they limit it. Why? Because their alogorythm is set to read the UPC codes not the titles, eventually someone I guess reviews new accounts and then places the limit.

As far as linking the paypal account, If that account ever had information from a NARU'd account then it is no good! PP keeps a database on your accounts even when you make changes. For example, Say you opened an account with a visa card, and then later delete it and changed it to amex. Then you try opening another account with the visa card, PP will tell you that you cant as the card is associated with another account. It is the same with addresses, once that address, name, CC, bank account, telephone number is flagged as NARUd you can rest assure you will lose the account and the Ebay account. PAYPAL is owned by Ebay.. They share info.

Information Updates - When and if you want to start receiving payment by the mail you will need to update the information on the account so that payments can be mailed. What I mean is that you go get a PO box and add that you to account as the address for people to mail payments to.

ALL, My auctions are different nothing is the same not even the graphics. As I mentioned I use auctiva, they supply a ton of templates and you can use 1 template for all your auctions. So each account has a different template. Also please note that for certain items you do not even need to worry about description. Use ebays UPC system and allow the information to be filled in for you.

Email Address - It could possibly be, most sellers want to get your email address, this allows for upselling outside of ebay. If a buyer does not display his email to me, then unfortunately they will not get a response...

I like savings accounts for obvious reasons, it gets interest on the money. Also you can setup with the bank that there is no electronic withdrawals from it without your authorization, this way PP can not get the greedy hands in there. With a checking account, PP can do an ach to get it. The banks allow for this and you really can not prevent it as you write checks on the account.

AOL - If you have dial up or broadband/dsl you can use AOL to ride on top of that connection. You just have to set AOL to do so, meaning what type of connection you have.

Back to the email and the possiblity that it is an ebay plant. Think of it this way, you get an email from someone asking a stupid question like how much is shipping. You say to yourself that is stupid it is in the email.
Then it hits you.. DAM I opened an email with beacon or cookie in it and now my info is traveling across the interenet back to them no way to stop it. Also, If you respond the email HTTP header will contain information about where you are. That is why I like to respond to email my way which allows me to use a proxy to hide my location.

Sales - Yes, Direct to your website, offer discounts if they buy off of ebay, F Ebay, dont let them nickel and dime you to death. Pretty soon they are going to charge you for using their email system... Actually, the reason they dod that is so they can track things better and catch people that try and sell it thru email.

First Impressions - This is why you have different accounts, so you can do different things on each. Test the limits. I know what you mean though about certain accounts. I have those as well, Where no matter what you make sure the transaction is perfect so you can maintain a 100% rating.

Egypt = In case you did not know Ebay owns Paypal... So sharing info... I think the answer would be yes they share.
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Old 08-09-2007
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No offense intended, as you've been a lot of help here for everyone, but I think maybe you should re-read my posts again and not jump to conclusions on the meaning. Several of your responses never addressed these questions. Strike that. They addressed your interpretation, not the questions as written. If you go back without any preconceived notions and just read the questions in their own context, I think you'll see what I'm driving at. Here are just a couple of examples and contradictions:

I said: I've never had to get a PO box, just confirm the address and it will show on your account. Thus if you have the package sent there, you'll be covered as will the seller. If this isn't what you're referring to, please explain the intention.

You said: Purchases and a ⊗⊗⊗⊗ address... I can't believe I have to explain this one again. If you win something on ebay send the seller a check or money order with the address you want it shipped to. You can not use PP with the ⊗⊗⊗⊗ addy as that is the addy the seller will ship to to be protected from PP. The seller can care less if you address matches what you have on Ebay, they are just happy that got paid.

Translation: This IS what you were referring to. I've never had to have a P.O box yet. Just put the address you wish the item shipped to on your other addresses and have that address confirmed. It doesn't have to be your main address. Like you said, no one cares as long as it's a confirmed addy and the seller is paid. Problem solved.

I said: How can you do this successfully? Won't the teller notice that both names are written by the same person? Do you ⊗⊗⊗⊗ the signature look too? And if they do get suspicious, wouldn't something like this be considered a type of bank fraud (even though you're actually the ⊗⊗⊗⊗ person)?

You said: Signing back of check/money order that has ⊗⊗⊗⊗ name... Exactly that sign away. Sign the check with the ⊗⊗⊗⊗ name and then sign your name. Or as I have also explained, Use variations on your name with accounts that you setup that way when you go to the bank you can say the person spelled your name wrong. Also, you can add a /blah blah and then just endorse it that way.. Bank Tellers... They LOVE conversation, they love to be talked to, If you are a shy person this might not work for you but if not talk about anything. Tell them how nice they look, ask questions about any new loan programs they got going on, or about CDs etc....

I have no problem with chatting. It's the attempted bank fraud implications that bother me. You didn't mention anything about my signature question. I'll assume that if we're talking about attempted bank fraud you'd want to take as many precautions as necessary. Something just doesn't smell legal about this. The misspelled name thing might work though without getting into too many fraud issues, as would perhaps the /blah blah. To each his own on the rest.

You said:

When I sign up for paypal I do the following:
Add a credit card
then get the expanded use crap for $1.95
Then add a bank account - why not take some of the money they give (Yeah a whole 9 cents).
Doing this, I have not run into any problems

You also said: As far as Paypal - I have to say in all my years using them they have not once asked me to verify myself. Even on Ebay accounts where all I take is Paypal.. I have received and withdrawn amounts greater than $3000 in a month without question.

I said: Paypal requires any activity more than $500/month to be a verified account. How are you able to do this? Or do you mean "verify" as in provide SSN and other docs?

And you said: Yes, Paypal limits accounts to 500 withdrawal a month, then when you add a credit card it is 2000/month. Then when you a bank account there is no limit. That is how you lift the limits add a credit card and then add a bank account.

Translation: You just contradicted yourself! You cannot "verify" until you add these items yet you said you've never had to verify! I know how to verify, but the words you're using just don't add up. Unless, again, as I asked, you're referring to "verify" in terms of providing documents to paypal and your SSN. But you never answered that. Please explain your intentions by these statements.

I asked: Ok, so about the paypal card, how does this work on ⊗⊗⊗⊗ names? Are you saying to have the card sent in these ⊗⊗⊗⊗ names, sent to the ⊗⊗⊗⊗ address, forwarded to your real address, and then you take that card to the bank and use all that ⊗⊗⊗⊗ information to pull out the real cash? Wouldn't the bank atm be able to identify you if there were ever any questions or investigation? D@mn this almost sounds like we're trying to pull off major fraud or something. I know the intent is innocent enough, but most law enforcement probably wouldn't see it that way! I don't want to end up on the 6 o'clock news.

You said: Paypal Card - Use the card at the ATM, a store, buy gas, if you have a merchant account charge the freakin card. There are a variety of ways to get the money out. If you are worried about the cameras at the bank, then go at night and wear a hooded sweatshirt with a ski mask then nobody will no who you are....

Yes, Forward mail from the "⊗⊗⊗⊗ address" to your real address. Now remember when I say "⊗⊗⊗⊗" it is meant that I do not live there nor the name assocaited to it lives there. BUT it is a real address, one that you can find on a map or on google. Jack, We went over this about how to get a ⊗⊗⊗⊗ address.

Result: I never intimated that I didn't know what you were saying in this last statement. But you didn't answer my question either. How are you determining that these "⊗⊗⊗⊗" people don't in fact work at this location? What's to stop Joe Bob from working there and you just fowarded all their mail to you unknowingly? As I asked - Do you check the directory of that business or just guess? And as for receiving a card in someone else's name and trying to use it at a store, have you been in one lately? They have little boxes you sign for and check id. If you're using someone "else's" card, they'll know about it. As for the "wear a ski mask" comment for bank w/d's, well we know how well that would go down. See 6 o'clock news again.

I asked: Ok, I deleted an address that MIGHT have been associated with an old suspended account (can't remember now). I have NOT linked this account to ebay yet nor has it ever been linked previously. Should this account be ok to link it to ebay, or not? As discussed previously, linkage is not just an option for me, it's a necessity for my current business plan.

You said: As far as linking the paypal account, If that account ever had information from a NARU'd account then it is no good! PP keeps a database on your accounts even when you make changes. For example, Say you opened an account with a visa card, and then later delete it and changed it to amex. Then you try opening another account with the visa card, PP will tell you that you cant as the card is associated with another account. It is the same with addresses, once that address, name, CC, bank account, telephone number is flagged as NARUd you can rest assure you will lose the account and the Ebay account. PAYPAL is owned by Ebay.. They share info.

Result: Still ambiguous. The address that was on the account MAY have been from an old suspended account, but the account has NEVER been linked to ebay. You're saying that doesn't matter, that even though I've deleted the address BEFORE linking the account, if I try to link it now with the good address that has NEVER been Naru'd, I will be suspended, or will the fact that I deleted that address before doing any of this save me from this problem?

You said: I like savings accounts for obvious reasons, it gets interest on the money. Also you can setup with the bank that there is no electronic withdrawals from it without your authorization, this way PP can not get the greedy hands in there. With a checking account, PP can do an ach to get it. The banks allow for this and you really can not prevent it as you write checks on the account.

I disagree with this statement. Paypal once could do this--that's true--but recent lawsuits have made this (drawing money out of your account) now impossible. Or at least not legal for them to do so. Result: If they ever did try this, you could sue them and win.

Information Updates - When and if you want to start receiving payment by the mail you will need to update the information on the account so that payments can be mailed. What I mean is that you go get a PO box and add that you to account as the address for people to mail payments to.

I have had much luck with just telling them "if you want to mail payment to send to this address: XXX" Seems to work fine. I've never had a complaint. A question one time, but after I explained that we have a separate department for that, it was fine. I don't see much of a need of this step, but your mileage may vary.

ALL, My auctions are different nothing is the same not even the graphics. As I mentioned I use auctiva, they supply a ton of templates and you can use 1 template for all your auctions. So each account has a different template. Also please note that for certain items you do not even need to worry about description. Use ebays UPC system and allow the information to be filled in for you.

Sound information. Thanks. However this won't work on unique items quite as well. People will know who you are by what you're selling. For everyday items, I'm sure this strategy works fine.

AOL - If you have dial up or broadband/dsl you can use AOL to ride on top of that connection. You just have to set AOL to do so, meaning what type of connection you have.

Yes but you still didn't address whether it was possible with dial-up. I would just let this one die as you've addressed it before, but back at the top of this thread, what you said sounded very much like a fix for ALL aol connections, not just broadband, and this is a contradiction. Which is it please?

Back to the email and the possiblity that it is an ebay plant. Think of it this way, you get an email from someone asking a stupid question like how much is shipping. You say to yourself that is stupid it is in the email.
Then it hits you.. DAM I opened an email with beacon or cookie in it and now my info is traveling across the interenet back to them no way to stop it. Also, If you respond the email HTTP header will contain information about where you are. That is why I like to respond to email my way which allows me to use a proxy to hide my location.

To clarify, you are speaking of replying through regular email on your terms? If you do not use email which allows beacons or cookies, you should be relatively safe in this. Also, you can elect to remove the headers if you want. And as you mentioned, you can also use a proxy. You don't have the benefit of any of this if you respond through My Messages I take it? If this is true, I could definately see a problem. So how would you prevent the spam, or have you ever had an issue with this by corresponding through email to buyers and sellers?

Sales - Yes, Direct to your website, offer discounts if they buy off of ebay, F Ebay, dont let them nickel and dime you to death. Pretty soon they are going to charge you for using their email system... Actually, the reason they dod that is so they can track things better and catch people that try and sell it thru email.

Once again I ask, how do you avoid being turned in for this? Ebay has people so brainwashed that any off ebay sales are bad, how do you help to turn them around, or do you just point them in the direction, cross your fingers and hope everything turns out ok?

First Impressions - This is why you have different accounts, so you can do different things on each. Test the limits. I know what you mean though about certain accounts. I have those as well, Where no matter what you make sure the transaction is perfect so you can maintain a 100% rating.

I see what you're saying here. The reason I mentioned it is that I have long term plans (hopefully) for a user name that I would like to see go the distance in international sales. I am hesitant to try things like links with descriptions or anything like that. Pretty much, I want to play this account to the book. I will have "play around with" accounts to try what you're talking about. I was just wondering if you DID in fact try these stunts on new accounts (and were successful at it) or if you waited until they were more seasoned to try anything like that.

Going back over this, I realize some of my points may seem a bit sarcastic and debasing. That wasn't my intention. I just get irritated when I keep having to ask the same questions over and over and still don't get a response that matches the original question. Call it a personal pet peeve. Anyway, again thanks.
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Old 08-11-2007
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arite man, i just wrote a long message and forgot to copy it to put into here. anyways long story cut short.

im an pretty much sure AOL 9.0VR is not free. uk or usa one, via as many email addresses you can think of ive tried. called AOL TECH and they said it is not free. well anyways im not trying to install this software anymore i spent the last 1hr 10 mins trying to get it off my computer. is it just me or is anyone else had the same problem.

anyway how i got it off my computer is an endless process i wont get into, if anyone whos tried and dont know how to get it off/install a fresh copy or sumthing, just ask and i'll help you. if anyone knew an easier way to get it off other than formatting your hard drive, im am not trying AOL 9.0VR again. spent over an hour going into the places where AOL 9.0VR installed its files and registries and third party files etc.

anyway after my irritating experience with AOL 9.0VR, i tried to find an alternative.

Feebay or anyone else that can help, i managed to find a way to a successfull way of hiding your I.P address using which ever browser your using like normal. NOW!! there is a big catch which i want to ask a question about!!

ive managed to catch onto I.P addresses from all over the world except UK. Phat load of good for me lol. places like

Saudia Araibia

and may 2 or few more. definetly works as ive tested it using various websites to see what my I.P address shows up as and the information about my I.P, and it does locate to the countries thats selected.

anyways guys if i was to use the foreign I.P address when dealing with anything to do with ebay or PP, will it bring up any red flags? im still trying to find something that will catch on more specific to what im looking for, but thats in the process.

if so i gota go find something else that can help me with this.
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Old 08-11-2007
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If it makes you feel ANY better, after I had to open up an account with aol to get this to work, they charged me immediately instead of waiting the 2 months they were supposed to wait, overdrawing the card. So the jerks cost me an overdraft fee, an hour on the phone, and it STILL doesn't work right. Screw AOL.
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Old 08-12-2007
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FeeBay, the way you wrote your first post in this thread, it sounds very much like you can sign on as a guest to the aol software using your existing internet connection. AOL blocks me every time I try--assuming it is because the software tries to dial. If there is a way around that or if you did in fact NOT intend to say that this will work for dial-up too, please state that here. Presently I have had to sign up for a Paid AOL account in order to do this. And the b@stards billed me right off the bat instead of waiting the 60 days. But that's between me and AO-Hell. Anyway, please confirm. Thanks
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Old 08-12-2007
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The problem is Jack, for me you either write too much or ask too many questions at one time. You should really only ask questions that you seriously needed answered, or reword your writing to make it easier to understand and to the point. I understand you most times, it's just when you ask so many questions from one thread, its a little... daunting.

For example, I only read the first paragraphed here and not the rest because it's just too much. I could spend time on other post, which I do and answer 10 easy questions while I decipher this.

I'm sure FeeBay Balling feels the say way.

Originally Posted by Jack View Post

No offense intended, as you've been a lot of help here for everyone, but I think maybe you should re-read my posts again and not jump to conclusions on the meaning. Several of your responses never addressed these questions. Strike that. They addressed your interpretation, not the questions as written. If you go back without any preconceived notions and just read the questions in their own context, I think you'll see what I'm driving at. Here are just a couple of examples and contradictions:

I said: I've never had to get a PO box, just confirm the address and it will show on your account. Thus if you have the package sent there, you'll be covered as will the seller. If this isn't what you're referring to, please explain the intention.

You said: Purchases and a ⊗⊗⊗⊗ address... I can't believe I have to explain this one again. If you win something on ebay send the seller a check or money order with the address you want it shipped to. You can not use PP with the ⊗⊗⊗⊗ addy as that is the addy the seller will ship to to be protected from PP. The seller can care less if you address matches what you have on Ebay, they are just happy that got paid.

Translation: This IS what you were referring to. I've never had to have a P.O box yet. Just put the address you wish the item shipped to on your other addresses and have that address confirmed. It doesn't have to be your main address. Like you said, no one cares as long as it's a confirmed addy and the seller is paid. Problem solved.

I said: How can you do this successfully? Won't the teller notice that both names are written by the same person? Do you ⊗⊗⊗⊗ the signature look too? And if they do get suspicious, wouldn't something like this be considered a type of bank fraud (even though you're actually the ⊗⊗⊗⊗ person)?

You said: Signing back of check/money order that has ⊗⊗⊗⊗ name... Exactly that sign away. Sign the check with the ⊗⊗⊗⊗ name and then sign your name. Or as I have also explained, Use variations on your name with accounts that you setup that way when you go to the bank you can say the person spelled your name wrong. Also, you can add a /blah blah and then just endorse it that way.. Bank Tellers... They LOVE conversation, they love to be talked to, If you are a shy person this might not work for you but if not talk about anything. Tell them how nice they look, ask questions about any new loan programs they got going on, or about CDs etc....

I have no problem with chatting. It's the attempted bank fraud implications that bother me. You didn't mention anything about my signature question. I'll assume that if we're talking about attempted bank fraud you'd want to take as many precautions as necessary. Something just doesn't smell legal about this. The misspelled name thing might work though without getting into too many fraud issues, as would perhaps the /blah blah. To each his own on the rest.

You said:

When I sign up for paypal I do the following:
Add a credit card
then get the expanded use crap for $1.95
Then add a bank account - why not take some of the money they give (Yeah a whole 9 cents).
Doing this, I have not run into any problems

You also said: As far as Paypal - I have to say in all my years using them they have not once asked me to verify myself. Even on Ebay accounts where all I take is Paypal.. I have received and withdrawn amounts greater than $3000 in a month without question.

I said: Paypal requires any activity more than $500/month to be a verified account. How are you able to do this? Or do you mean "verify" as in provide SSN and other docs?

And you said: Yes, Paypal limits accounts to 500 withdrawal a month, then when you add a credit card it is 2000/month. Then when you a bank account there is no limit. That is how you lift the limits add a credit card and then add a bank account.

Translation: You just contradicted yourself! You cannot "verify" until you add these items yet you said you've never had to verify! I know how to verify, but the words you're using just don't add up. Unless, again, as I asked, you're referring to "verify" in terms of providing documents to paypal and your SSN. But you never answered that. Please explain your intentions by these statements.

I asked: Ok, so about the paypal card, how does this work on ⊗⊗⊗⊗ names? Are you saying to have the card sent in these ⊗⊗⊗⊗ names, sent to the ⊗⊗⊗⊗ address, forwarded to your real address, and then you take that card to the bank and use all that ⊗⊗⊗⊗ information to pull out the real cash? Wouldn't the bank atm be able to identify you if there were ever any questions or investigation? D@mn this almost sounds like we're trying to pull off major fraud or something. I know the intent is innocent enough, but most law enforcement probably wouldn't see it that way! I don't want to end up on the 6 o'clock news.

You said: Paypal Card - Use the card at the ATM, a store, buy gas, if you have a merchant account charge the freakin card. There are a variety of ways to get the money out. If you are worried about the cameras at the bank, then go at night and wear a hooded sweatshirt with a ski mask then nobody will no who you are....

Yes, Forward mail from the "⊗⊗⊗⊗ address" to your real address. Now remember when I say "⊗⊗⊗⊗" it is meant that I do not live there nor the name assocaited to it lives there. BUT it is a real address, one that you can find on a map or on google. Jack, We went over this about how to get a ⊗⊗⊗⊗ address.

Result: I never intimated that I didn't know what you were saying in this last statement. But you didn't answer my question either. How are you determining that these "⊗⊗⊗⊗" people don't in fact work at this location? What's to stop Joe Bob from working there and you just fowarded all their mail to you unknowingly? As I asked - Do you check the directory of that business or just guess? And as for receiving a card in someone else's name and trying to use it at a store, have you been in one lately? They have little boxes you sign for and check id. If you're using someone "else's" card, they'll know about it. As for the "wear a ski mask" comment for bank w/d's, well we know how well that would go down. See 6 o'clock news again.

I asked: Ok, I deleted an address that MIGHT have been associated with an old suspended account (can't remember now). I have NOT linked this account to ebay yet nor has it ever been linked previously. Should this account be ok to link it to ebay, or not? As discussed previously, linkage is not just an option for me, it's a necessity for my current business plan.

You said: As far as linking the paypal account, If that account ever had information from a NARU'd account then it is no good! PP keeps a database on your accounts even when you make changes. For example, Say you opened an account with a visa card, and then later delete it and changed it to amex. Then you try opening another account with the visa card, PP will tell you that you cant as the card is associated with another account. It is the same with addresses, once that address, name, CC, bank account, telephone number is flagged as NARUd you can rest assure you will lose the account and the Ebay account. PAYPAL is owned by Ebay.. They share info.

Result: Still ambiguous. The address that was on the account MAY have been from an old suspended account, but the account has NEVER been linked to ebay. You're saying that doesn't matter, that even though I've deleted the address BEFORE linking the account, if I try to link it now with the good address that has NEVER been Naru'd, I will be suspended, or will the fact that I deleted that address before doing any of this save me from this problem?

You said: I like savings accounts for obvious reasons, it gets interest on the money. Also you can setup with the bank that there is no electronic withdrawals from it without your authorization, this way PP can not get the greedy hands in there. With a checking account, PP can do an ach to get it. The banks allow for this and you really can not prevent it as you write checks on the account.

I disagree with this statement. Paypal once could do this--that's true--but recent lawsuits have made this (drawing money out of your account) now impossible. Or at least not legal for them to do so. Result: If they ever did try this, you could sue them and win.

Information Updates - When and if you want to start receiving payment by the mail you will need to update the information on the account so that payments can be mailed. What I mean is that you go get a PO box and add that you to account as the address for people to mail payments to.

I have had much luck with just telling them "if you want to mail payment to send to this address: XXX" Seems to work fine. I've never had a complaint. A question one time, but after I explained that we have a separate department for that, it was fine. I don't see much of a need of this step, but your mileage may vary.

ALL, My auctions are different nothing is the same not even the graphics. As I mentioned I use auctiva, they supply a ton of templates and you can use 1 template for all your auctions. So each account has a different template. Also please note that for certain items you do not even need to worry about description. Use ebays UPC system and allow the information to be filled in for you.

Sound information. Thanks. However this won't work on unique items quite as well. People will know who you are by what you're selling. For everyday items, I'm sure this strategy works fine.

AOL - If you have dial up or broadband/dsl you can use AOL to ride on top of that connection. You just have to set AOL to do so, meaning what type of connection you have.

Yes but you still didn't address whether it was possible with dial-up. I would just let this one die as you've addressed it before, but back at the top of this thread, what you said sounded very much like a fix for ALL aol connections, not just broadband, and this is a contradiction. Which is it please?

Back to the email and the possiblity that it is an ebay plant. Think of it this way, you get an email from someone asking a stupid question like how much is shipping. You say to yourself that is stupid it is in the email.
Then it hits you.. DAM I opened an email with beacon or cookie in it and now my info is traveling across the interenet back to them no way to stop it. Also, If you respond the email HTTP header will contain information about where you are. That is why I like to respond to email my way which allows me to use a proxy to hide my location.

To clarify, you are speaking of replying through regular email on your terms? If you do not use email which allows beacons or cookies, you should be relatively safe in this. Also, you can elect to remove the headers if you want. And as you mentioned, you can also use a proxy. You don't have the benefit of any of this if you respond through My Messages I take it? If this is true, I could definately see a problem. So how would you prevent the spam, or have you ever had an issue with this by corresponding through email to buyers and sellers?

Sales - Yes, Direct to your website, offer discounts if they buy off of ebay, F Ebay, dont let them nickel and dime you to death. Pretty soon they are going to charge you for using their email system... Actually, the reason they dod that is so they can track things better and catch people that try and sell it thru email.

Once again I ask, how do you avoid being turned in for this? Ebay has people so brainwashed that any off ebay sales are bad, how do you help to turn them around, or do you just point them in the direction, cross your fingers and hope everything turns out ok?

First Impressions - This is why you have different accounts, so you can do different things on each. Test the limits. I know what you mean though about certain accounts. I have those as well, Where no matter what you make sure the transaction is perfect so you can maintain a 100% rating.

I see what you're saying here. The reason I mentioned it is that I have long term plans (hopefully) for a user name that I would like to see go the distance in international sales. I am hesitant to try things like links with descriptions or anything like that. Pretty much, I want to play this account to the book. I will have "play around with" accounts to try what you're talking about. I was just wondering if you DID in fact try these stunts on new accounts (and were successful at it) or if you waited until they were more seasoned to try anything like that.

Going back over this, I realize some of my points may seem a bit sarcastic and debasing. That wasn't my intention. I just get irritated when I keep having to ask the same questions over and over and still don't get a response that matches the original question. Call it a personal pet peeve. Anyway, again thanks.
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Old 08-12-2007
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I'm a complicated man Aspkin

I don't intend things to get out of hand, many times I try to pair it down. But there's only so many hours in a day, and things need to get done. I don't ask anything of anyone I wouldn't be willing to do myself. But when you look over the posts I question very carefully, you will see the problems.

I've never been much of a shoot the breeze type when money's on the line, so you just won't see the norm type of question from me unless the answer wasn't clear when it was addressed before.

That being said, I understand not everyone is wired like that, so I'll see if I can reign it in a bit going forward when possible.
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