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eBay Suspensions General issues related to eBay Suspensions. Mostly geared towards eBay.com.

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Old 03-01-2012
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Question wondering the best way to proceed...

I had an ebay account for years, got permanently banned a year ago.

I made a new account with a new name, bank account, paypal account, and email. however, made the mistake of creating and logging into the account on the same IP address as the old banned account (which was logged into as recently as a week ago). I haven't even listed anything for the account and I'm wondering what to do from here...

should I just get a new IP address and then completely start over with totally different information? obviously this would be the cleanest way to do it but it would be incredibly inconvenient and I'd like to avoid it if there's any chance.

is there any way I can delete my ebay account, get a new IP, and make a new ebay account with the same old info? I'm assuming not.

how risky would it be to just get a new IP address, wait a few weeks, and then start listing very slowly with this same account that's probably already linked to the old one? again, there has been absolutely no activity - selling or buying - with this new account and it's new information yet.

I have a family member who's also recently been using ebay on the same network and is fine (we'll see how long that lasts, obviously!).
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Old 03-03-2012
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get a new ip, shut down the old account if you can. start again from scratch on this new account and tread carefully in future. id wait a month before posting anything.
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Old 03-03-2012
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Its my experience that its your browser cookies and flash cookies that get you shut down easily, ip addresses contribute to being shut done but not necessarily on its own.

i would try a new ip do a few purchases and some small sales before listing anything big.
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