Philly387 is correct! If you are going from one User Account to another User Account, assuming you are logging into each Stealth Ebay/Paypal account within the User Account, then YES you will have to change your IP each time.
Aspkin had PM'd the following to me. It may help you or someone else who reads this thread.... "If you have a router, change the mac address on your router, reset your broadband modem and you should have a new IP. Or just get dialup."
Now, if you have a seperate User Account, for Stealth only, with only 1 Ebay and 1 Paypal, you can go into any other User Accounts for whatever reason, BUT if you decide that you need to log into that specific Ebay/Paypal account, change the IP!
Good Luck!
__________________ To know when to do battle..
and when to walk away..
is the true Art-of-War..
Last edited by waterproof; 09-27-2009 at 02:05 PM.