Limited Account Access RXI034?? - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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Old 10-26-2009
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Default Limited Account Access RXI034??

okay guys just want to know if anyone knows what this is and what triggers this?? just got this about an hour ago....? I got a phone call from 4029357733 and I didn't answer pretty sure it was paypal....

had one account receive $500 is that too much?
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Old 10-26-2009
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Insufficient info. A better explanation will probably get answered.

The 402 call was PP. Not answering the call increased their suspicion. They seem to think we all have nothing to do but sit around and wait for them to ring us up for interrogation.

$500 incoming may or may not be a problem. It all depends. Insufficient data provided for analysis.
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Old 10-26-2009
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I received payment for an item for $500 on ebay and moments later i get the call..... five minutes later I get limited lol fairly new account (week old) premier paypal...
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Old 10-26-2009
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Possibly the buyer account was suspected of being hijacked. Possibly the buyer paid through Paypal but used a stolen credit card. Possibly your account receiving such a large single payment is in question. Perhaps PP thought you stole a credit card and made a new account then used the new account to pay your other new account using a stolen credit card. Maybe somebody at Paypal is drinking on the job. Maybe Paypal detected an error in your account setup.

There are many possibilities. We still need more info to give you a better answer. Let me try something...

1. What was the payment for?
2. What do you know about the buyer account? NEW? From PP balance? Etc.
3. How complete is your registration info? Verified? Confirmed? Real Address Somewhere?
4. Did you try to withdraw the funds as soon as the money arrived?
5. Any other relevant details I didn't ask?
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Old 10-26-2009
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1. I was trying to sell this cellphone for 3 weeks now lol Im having no luck anymore on paypal...
2. all the buyers had 200+ feedback......
3. i was verified semi real info....(instant verification) if this helps more
4. yes I withdrew soon as i got it to prevent this from happening but apparently it still did happen lol....
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Old 10-26-2009
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1. No harm there. No cause for concern. Rule this out.
2. No issue here. Rule this out.
3. Reasonable enough. Probably not the issue.
4. DING DING DING! My vote goes here. This probably appeared to be a crackhead tactic in the eyes of PP.

In the future, consider the following steps:
a) When you get the email saying you have money, wait a few hours before going to PP site.
b) Review the details - they can view the log of you clicking links.
c) Go to the shipping page and sit on it for a couple minutes. Then make label.
d) Wait 12 or even 24 hours to withdraw. Will look like you were deliberately patient enough to get the item en-route before taking money. Like you were smart enough to maybe think a refund could be possible and being decent enough to be certain all was well.

PP luvs d) the most.
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Old 10-26-2009
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okay great i will start once again tomorrow morning (smh) thanks for the help.....

another question what does paypal ask you when they call you?? I wanted to pick up but I forget my "info" lol.....
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Old 10-26-2009
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You're welcome.

PP might ask for different things. It depends on who is calling and relative to what issue. They will almost certainly ask you to confirm the email, name on account, phone number (duh they just called you on it), probably address, probably DOB, maybe SS# if they already have it on file, possibly details about the transaction. Then they may or may not ask for more specific information.

Future advice for ANYONE who gets the PP call: Answer and immediately sound hurried and frazzled. State that the phone minutes are used up or that the battery is dead. Then let the call go for another 45 seconds in whatever direction it is going. Don't hang up - NO - remove the battery to kill the call or toss it in the fridge and shut the door to drop the signal.

Then get yourself organized, grab your file or open your spreadsheet. You know, the one you created while you were making the account. You did that, right? Ok, then call PP back and tell the rep that your call dropped earlier and you are contacting them to finish up whatever they wanted. Or wait for them to call again, and give them the BS story...
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