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JamesNorth101 06-18-2020 06:54 AM

Re: Managing Payments Requesting ID

one example, not adding new PP to old eBays - works fine, but you say it wont, meaning your evidence or fact is wrong
You will find I have said long term that doesn't work as it can be picked up on manual account reviews. Which is what does happen. Sometimes.


Your impartiality means there is an obvious lack of trust
I think you used the word wrong there for the point your trying to make :thumb:

Your the only one that keeps saying everyone is bias and partial.

Right now most people are just waiting to see exactly what happens with MP. Myself included. When its actually implemented and can actually be used - then there will be answers.

Your issue is that your like a punter at the race track trying to collect his winnings before the race has even started.


As I dont believe you have any actual facts on anything, just anecdotal based evidence. So using that word is a little comical if anything, if you want to define what a fact is, then we can debate that sure.
I am not sure how else to explain to you that guessing isnt a fact. A fact is something that 100% happens. Throw a pen in the air and it will drop to the ground. Fact. Adyen is not yet in place fully in eBay UK - so there are not facts to be found. When its in place, then we can start to look at what they do and do not do.

If COP was an issue then you can bet it would have been reported. Basically you were wrong on that despite being 100% sure was going to be the end of everything.

Pathos 06-18-2020 07:48 AM

Re: Managing Payments Requesting ID

Originally Posted by JamesNorth101 (Post 1100553)
You will find I have said long term that doesn't work as it can be picked up on manual account reviews. Which is what does happen. Sometimes.

I think you used the word wrong there for the point your trying to make :thumb:

Your the only one that keeps saying everyone is bias and partial.

Right now most people are just waiting to see exactly what happens with MP. Myself included. When its actually implemented and can actually be used - then there will be answers.

Your issue is that your like a punter at the race track trying to collect his winnings before the race has even started.

I am not sure how else to explain to you that guessing isnt a fact. A fact is something that 100% happens. Throw a pen in the air and it will drop to the ground. Fact. Adyen is not yet in place fully in eBay UK - so there are not facts to be found. When its in place, then we can start to look at what they do and do not do.

If COP was an issue then you can bet it would have been reported. Basically you were wrong on that despite being 100% sure was going to be the end of everything.

I've never said 'everyone' is impartial, but if you have financially vested interests in ensuring conversation around a topic is limited, and ultimately hushed through examples like ridiculing or claiming that its fear bringing, then i the intention is clear to many, but not to all. Donald Trump uses similar tactics, and his voters form the 'not all' in my analogy.

Based on your 'fact' analogy, every 'Stealth' account is ultimately doomed, because 100% fact is that the detail are not legit, so at some point it 'can' be found out on a manual review. There are indeed 'facts' to be found, they are on the Ayden website. Whether the factual systems can be navigated around, remains to be seen, but the facts are there, and its how the person chooses to tackle them is what has formed the basis of the discussion and debate.

Of course everyone is waiting to see what can happen, but some, want to be prepared for all possible scenario's. I'm not a punter, I am a jockey preparing for the race and studying the course and obstacles. You are the bookie, sitting in the sidelines waiting for others to fail first so you can learn from it.

JamesNorth101 06-18-2020 08:47 AM

Re: Managing Payments Requesting ID

conversation around a topic is limited
Its limited because I (and a lot of the other senior members here) don't like to just throw guesses like darts and hope one hits the target. Nothing to do with vested interests.

I am simply calling you out when you start stating things will 100% fail when in fact you have no idea if they will fail. Its a guess and a poor one. Could it turn out to be correct? Sure absolutely after all a broken clock is right twice a day.

Once again just because Adyen can do it, doesn't meant that they will. Big difference and something your not quite seeming to get. You keep posting saying that this or that will happen when in fact you have 0 clue what will happen. Just like the rest of us.

Again entirely ignoring your CoP prediction. The only thing that was 100% about that was how incorrect it was. I guess if you want to carry on with the Trump analogy you can just say it was ⊗⊗⊗⊗ news and that someone else said it over and over again.

JamesNorth101 06-18-2020 11:00 AM

Re: Managing Payments Requesting ID

Originally Posted by tinsoldier (Post 1100584)
I've signed up and been accepted. MP starts for me in 'late July'.

IMO, based upon the information I gave and the checks the said they were making, I believe that mismatched names will not work. There is also the issue of refunds if you have insufficient funds. They will take it from your bank account or credit card, I suspect the latter will attract less attention assuming you can choose. I doubt it, I think they'll go to bank first, card second.

I understand the purpose of this forum, lets not kid ourselves, but it seems apparent to me that none of the account sellers are actually ebay sellers, or less likely, simply refusing to share any tidbits. Their lack of forward thinking commentary is to be understood I guess, they're relying on folk here to feed them with data because they cannot generate any of their own. Fair enough you could say, but no reason to dismiss others who want to look at the worse case scenario is it? I'm happy to be corrected.

Has any of the UK ebay account sellers applied for managed payments to find out for themselves what is happening?

One thing I do expect and that is the mandatory submission of bank details when you open an account, similar to Amazon. If so, that is gong to be very difficult to negotiate for account sellers, mismatched names permitted or otherwise.

I don’t see how that is any different to the current PayPal situation where if you don’t have enough money in your account they will try and dig into your bank account for it. The process remains exactly the same as it was before. Make sure you keep enough money in your account for refunds if needed.

I’m afraid you are quite misinformed if you think that none of the service providers or account sellers here on the forum sell on eBay themselves

There is nothing wrong with looking at worst case scenario. What I have an issue with is someone presenting it as an absolute indisputable fact much like he did with COP. If you going to say something and tell everyone it’s a fact back it up with some evidence.

With regards to the senior members here needing to be spoonfed.... you can really think what you want.

Pathos 06-20-2020 02:29 AM

Re: Managing Payments Requesting ID

Looking forward to account sellers input on their experience of MP - I've taken the trouble.

Like I said, lets not be naive about the primary purpose of this forum. But on the back of the financial gains to be had the owner needs members, visitors and discussion. We see some absolute garbage posted by complete idiots and it goes unchecked. Given this, to expect a particular poster to back up their comments, whether you agree or not, with facts seems strange to me - almost personal which given we're all anonymous and will never meet isn't needed is it?

Let the speculation continue! :uk:
This sums it all up rather nicely. :hs: I think the personally directed attacks are when in fear. You can't fear someone like that Agent guy because everything he types is waffle, but when the information being offered may have large elements of truth, it can become dangerous, especially to a financial interested party.

I can't wait till we see those with the account sellers with their 'experience' offering up some snippets and info to the mix. No point in 'keeping quiet' when there is already tonnes of information to go on.

Pathos 06-20-2020 02:37 AM

Re: Managing Payments Requesting ID

Originally Posted by JamesNorth101 (Post 1100604)
I don’t see how that is any different to the current PayPal situation where if you don’t have enough money in your account they will try and dig into your bank account for it. The process remains exactly the same as it was before. Make sure you keep enough money in your account for refunds if needed.

I’m afraid you are quite misinformed if you think that none of the service providers or account sellers here on the forum sell on eBay themselves

There is nothing wrong with looking at worst case scenario. What I have an issue with is someone presenting it as an absolute indisputable fact much like he did with COP. If you going to say something and tell everyone it’s a fact back it up with some evidence.

With regards to the senior members here needing to be spoonfed.... you can really think what you want.

This shows a lack of experience for sure.

With PayPal, you leave enough in your PP account to cover future refunds, all of the time, so that the attached bank account is not raided if there is not enough to cover it. Thus 'showing' the name on the account when its pulled and potentially causing a review and closedown, as PayPal do.

You can't 'keep' money in your MP account, unless you choose may the weekly payment plan, but no Stealther is going to choose that, to leave what could be thousands with eBay for an entire week.

Tinsoldier never claimed the account owners didnt sell on eBay or Amazon, he remarked that he was surprised they would be running illegal account creation operations when they must earn a decent living on the sites, if running successfully.

We could easily mine your threads and find where you have claimed something as 100% fact which hasn't been, but I have little time for personally directed attacks. The subject here is MP, and all information, based on published facts (such as Aydens checklist, ebays requirement lists etc) are valid for discussion for all to prepare.

I also said, in my thread you mined and utilised, ' I am convinced 100%' regarding COP, which I still am. That is still a fact as it relates to my own personal belief. Due to Covid, we are seeing the late implementation of it, I have only just seen it happen on one of my bank accounts, so this is something that is still entirely possible now or in the future.

JamesNorth101 06-20-2020 03:11 AM

Re: Managing Payments Requesting ID

Originally Posted by Pathos (Post 1100960)
We could easily mine your threads and find where you have claimed something as 100% fact which hasn't been, but I have little time for personally directed attacks. The subject here is MP, and all information, based on published facts (such as Aydens checklist, ebays requirement lists etc) are valid for discussion for all to prepare.

Go ahead then.... I am pointing out that you have a very long track record of stating things as indisputable facts and causing a lot of people to worry and they tends to turn out to be wrong. Some people learn to stop doing it. Others don't and carry on making claims that they are sure are 100% true.

Again until MP is actually working and in practice we just don't know how the refunds will work. Could they always take it from your bank account - absolutely possible. Would that then be an issue. It certainly could be. There is an option for it to also be funded by card, just like on PayPal, I expect will be able to choose which is the primary source. The key however is that its not yet in place in the UK and only a few thousand in the US are enrolled on it so we don't yet know how it will work fully. Wait for the race to finish before you start trying to collect your winnings.


I can't wait till we see those with the account sellers with their 'experience' offering up some snippets and info to the mix. No point in 'keeping quiet' when there is already tonnes of information to go on.
Im sure you don't need us to help you work things out. You clearly have a much better understanding of how it all works. Im not really sure why you grace the forum with your presence if I am honest.

Pathos 06-20-2020 03:22 AM

Re: Managing Payments Requesting ID

Originally Posted by JamesNorth101 (Post 1100968)
Go ahead then.... I am pointing out that you have a very long track record of stating things as indisputable facts and causing a lot of people to worry and they tends to turn out to be wrong. Some people learn to stop doing it. Others don't and carry on making claims that they are sure are 100% true.

Again until MP is actually working and in practice we just don't know how the refunds will work. Could they always take it from your bank account - absolutely possible. Would that then be an issue. It certainly could be. There is an option for it to also be funded by card, just like on PayPal, I expect will be able to choose which is the primary source. The key however is that its not yet in place in the UK and only a few thousand in the US are enrolled on it so we don't yet know how it will work fully. Wait for the race to finish before you start trying to collect your winnings.

Im sure you don't need us to help you work things out. You clearly have a much better understanding of how it all works. Im not really sure why you grace the forum with your presence if I am honest.

Your posts are becoming increasingly cyclic. You have a long track record of diverting or silencing conversation away from areas you have a financial interest in.

MP is in place in the UK though, have you signed up? What did you learn from the sign up process? Did you see the way the little wheel turned for a fair bit longer like it does on a credit card application when you submit your details? Did you then check your credit report and see a little soft check by Ayden? You never reported any of this to 'us' so I imagine you didn't or you havent signed up any test accounts.

One has to be prepared for the long race, not an instant gold pot.

JamesNorth101 06-20-2020 03:34 AM

Re: Managing Payments Requesting ID

Originally Posted by Pathos (Post 1100971)
Your posts are becoming increasingly cyclic. You have a long track record of diverting or silencing conversation away from areas you have a financial interest in.

So you keep saying time and time again

What I am actually saying is to actually get facts before making claims that this or that will definitely happen. Try to twist and divert it as much as you want, but the only message I am giving is stop claiming things are 100% a fact and will 100% happen until you actually know that. Really that simple.

MP first phase is in the UK. Vested interest emails have been sent out, as well as approvals on some accounts which yes I have gotten (on a few fully stealth accounts). Have you? Its not getting used until he end of July though which you would know if you had an account that was approved for MP and even then not all accounts that have displayed a vested interest will be enrolled. Its taken them 2 years to get to around 8000 users in the US. Its not happening over night here in the UK either. Its getting rolled out slowly to include more and more users over the next 6 to 12 months. it could well be as short as 6 months, but that would come as a surprise (take note how I am not saying its 100% certainly going to or not going to happen within a given time frame because I simply dont know)

I hate to say this but that delay you have seen - its been happening for about 8 months on eBay now when making an sellers account. Again you would know that if you made accounts yourself recently which you clearly have not. eBay have been running these checks well before Adyen got involved.


One has to be prepared for the long race, not an instant gold pot.
Correct. Hence staying away from grand declarations that this will 100% happen.

JamesNorth101 06-20-2020 03:44 AM

Re: Managing Payments Requesting ID

Originally Posted by Pathos (Post 1100958)
I can't wait till we see those with the account sellers with their 'experience' offering up some snippets and info to the mix. No point in 'keeping quiet' when there is already tonnes of information to go on.

Honestly why would they want to when all they will be met with is users like you and Tin (who thinks that Covid is a test for survival of the fittest... says it all really) will just go around saying its vested interests and all just being done for self interests. The sellers here used to help a lot and post a lot more but there is little motivation to when its just met with cynicalism and a know it all attitude.

Instead they (myself included) tend to PM it to users that reach out to them genuinely looking to get information to help them and are not trying time and time again prove some sort of point because they have an axe to grind.

There are a lot of worried people out there and posts telling everyone that everything is doomed when in fact you have no idea what exactly will happen does not help.

digzz 06-20-2020 03:52 AM

Re: Managing Payments Requesting ID
If you guys want to get a idea of how "Adyen" works open a Shpock account. They use Adyen.

Pathos 06-20-2020 03:54 AM

Re: Managing Payments Requesting ID

Originally Posted by JamesNorth101 (Post 1100975)
So you keep saying time and time again

What I am actually saying is to actually get facts before making claims that this or that will definitely happen. Try to twist and divert it as much as you want, but the only message I am giving is stop claiming things are 100% a fact and will 100% happen until you actually know that. Really that simple.

MP first phase is in the UK. Vested interest emails have been sent out, as well as approvals on some accounts which yes I have gotten (on a few fully stealth accounts). Have you? Its not getting used until he end of July though which you would know if you had an account that was approved for MP and even then not all accounts that have displayed a vested interest will be enrolled. Its taken them 2 years to get to around 8000 users in the US. Its not happening over night here in the UK either. Its getting rolled out slowly to include more and more users over the next 6 to 12 months. it could well be as short as 6 months, but that would come as a surprise (take note how I am not saying its 100% certainly going to or not going to happen within a given time frame because I simply dont know)

I hate to say this but that delay you have seen - its been happening for about 8 months on eBay now when making an sellers account. Again you would know that if you made accounts yourself recently which you clearly have not. eBay have been running these checks well before Adyen got involved.

Correct. Hence staying away from grand declarations that this will 100% happen.

Its great to see you offer some snippets of information!

So you have seen eBay on credit searches? I havent heard you mention any of these things before on the forum, in open dialogue.

Have you talked about your Stealth accounts getting approval on MP? I cant see any of your posts about it, but happy to be corrected if you can post some. Can you post some screengrabs on that?

I have many accounts within the MP pool for early adopters, as I've mentioned before.

Pathos 06-20-2020 03:57 AM

Re: Managing Payments Requesting ID

Originally Posted by JamesNorth101 (Post 1100976)
Honestly why would they want to when all they will be met with is users like you and Tin (who thinks that Covid is a test for survival of the fittest... says it all really) will just go around saying its vested interests and all just being done for self interests. The sellers here used to help a lot and post a lot more but there is little motivation to when its just met with cynicalism and a know it all attitude.

Instead they (myself included) tend to PM it to users that reach out to them genuinely looking to get information to help them and are not trying time and time again prove some sort of point because they have an axe to grind.

There are a lot of worried people out there and posts telling everyone that everything is doomed when in fact you have no idea what exactly will happen does not help.

Not entirely, the help that was regularly given was just recirculating info to newbies, other than Bust who offered fresh stuff (but I imagine he has been told to keep quiet somewhat as it was affecting account sales maybe?).

But good to hear you operate a secretive approach. Therefore, why worry about the open dialogue?

I've never said everything is doomed, I personally think I will be covered come MP time, there are options, and those options have come to light through open discussion with others on these threads.

Pathos 06-20-2020 03:58 AM

Re: Managing Payments Requesting ID

Originally Posted by digzz (Post 1100977)
If you guys want to get a idea of how "Adyen" works open a Shpock account. They use Adyen.

Are you running Stealth Shpock accounts? I have no idea about this one as I've never used it, so this may not even be a thing!

nyc 06-20-2020 04:03 AM

Re: Managing Payments Requesting ID
[QUOTE=tinsoldier;1100584]I've signed up and been accepted. MP starts for me in 'late July'.

Hello Tinsoldier. I believe everyone that is signing up is being accepted but the important thing is whether eB will approve people in late July after confirming identity.

I signed up this past week and was accepted but eB said that they’re going to review and confirm my identity and business info in late July and then make a decision to approve or not.

JamesNorth101 06-20-2020 04:04 AM

Re: Managing Payments Requesting ID

Originally Posted by Pathos (Post 1100979)
Its great to see you offer some snippets of information!

So you have seen eBay on credit searches? I havent heard you mention any of these things before on the forum, in open dialogue.

Have you talked about your Stealth accounts getting approval on MP? I cant see any of your posts about it, but happy to be corrected if you can post some. Can you post some screengrabs on that?

I have many accounts within the MP pool for early adopters, as I've mentioned before.

eBay have done credit searches for many many years. This is not something that should be news to you.

I haven't posted about it because until I actually get to use MP on an approved account there isn't anything to say. I only like to start talking when I have something to say. Its a healthy habit and prevents me making grand statements that turn out to be totally incorrect.


Originally Posted by Pathos (Post 1100980)
Not entirely, the help that was regularly given was just recirculating info to newbies, other than Bust who offered fresh stuff (but I imagine he has been told to keep quiet somewhat as it was affecting account sales maybe?).

No one tells anywhere here what they can and cannot post. Have a look at the posts you, Agent and Tin have for example. I may well not like the grand statements and some of the outright stupid things said but they are rarely edited and very rarely deleted. Its a very open forum in that regard. I have complaints against me on my sellers thread which again have not been removed.


Originally Posted by Pathos (Post 1100980)
But good to hear you operate a secretive approach. Therefore, why worry about the open dialogue?

I'm not sure how else to get this over to you... its not secretive - there is just not that much information out there right now. There is a vested interest application, then a few forms to fill out, an approval email and that is it. What can be posted is very limited and purely a guess right now as to exactly how it will work.


Originally Posted by Pathos (Post 1100980)
I've never said everything is doomed, I personally think I will be covered come MP time, there are options, and those options have come to light through open discussion with others on these threads.

I hope so. While I think you are an arse I would never wish someones business to come to a halt.

Will there be issues with MP? Yes there will. There always are when changed like this come in.

Will there be solutions - Absolutely. That is the only thing I am 100% sure about. Until I know exactly what the hurdles will be and what the solutions will be however I wont post conjecture and get people worried by saying it will all come to a shuddering halt.

JamesNorth101 06-20-2020 04:06 AM

Re: Managing Payments Requesting ID

Originally Posted by digzz (Post 1100977)
If you guys want to get a idea of how "Adyen" works open a Shpock account. They use Adyen.

Etsy also use it which is the best like for like platform to trial things on IMO but nice to know where else uses it :thumb:

Pathos 06-20-2020 04:15 AM

Re: Managing Payments Requesting ID

Originally Posted by tinsoldier (Post 1100584)
I've signed up and been accepted. MP starts for me in 'late July'.

Hello Tinsoldier. I believe everyone that is signing up is being accepted but the important thing is whether eB will approve people in late July after confirming identity.

I signed up this past week and was accepted but eB said that they’re going to review and confirm my identity and business info in late July and then make a decision to approve or not.

Great info, have you got the email or a screenshot from eBay saying that is going to be their process?

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