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UK PayPal Talk General issues related to UK Paypal

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Old 03-04-2011
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Default Can Paypal take money back from your bank account

Hypothetical situation.
Sold a vero item which was ⊗⊗⊗⊗. Low price. Fairly obvious.
Customer recieves it and is not happy. Will not return item and puts in a paypal dispute. Customer is trying to keep item and get money back.
If the money has cleared into your bank, can Paypal go back into your account and get the money?
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Old 03-04-2011
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Yes Pa yp al can and has done this - if your customer is doing a claim, let him return for refund.
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Old 03-04-2011
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Well if its not authentic they often go get paperwork and get to go and keep the damm item too. I dont rip people off, without setting too many alarm bells ringing I do make it fairly obvious its not a genuine item,
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Old 03-04-2011
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Yes I understand and that's one of the loopholes that buyers can exploit - not much can be done about that.

Only way of blocking Pa yp al's cash grab from your account is to close it.
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Old 03-09-2011
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i cant condone it. but if you do not value the account, cancel the direct debit. they can then not take the money in the uk, or if they do after the direct debit is cancelled, you can claw the money back under the direct debit garuntee

but if you want to keep the account, just refund the buyer
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Old 03-09-2011
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do not waste a paypal account with a bank attached over this...try and get item returned, if you complain that it hasnt been returned to ebay or paypal, they might either tell buyer to return it before a refund or get alerted to what you sell...try and keep it all as automated as possible. In the end buyer can call paypal or email them and get money refunded, but it depends how far they want to go, some buyers know the rules inside out and some just give up and were trying their luck for an easy keeper...depends
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Old 03-11-2011
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I do not believe that paypal can go into your bank at all and collect money that is stealing.

I have just asked my bank the same same question. They told me paypal cannot go into my account without authorisation.

I have heard that they can hop on to certain things like ebay fees ect if you pay this way or direct debits but they can not go direct to your bank and take your cash.

If you have a direct debit set up cancel it even so you are still covered by the direct debit guarantee
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Old 03-12-2011
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Then you had better start believing it.

Despite many High Street bank staffers saying no way can paypal touch an account, it's recorded here and other places that paypal try to get the funds by 'touching the bank account'. If there's a DD mandate, paypal could careless about what the bank says while said mandate is in existence. They operate on the opinion they have the divine right to do it
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Old 03-12-2011
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Thats a mixed bag of opinions from some experience members

Originally Posted by oompaloompa View Post
do not waste a paypal account with a bank attached over this...try and get item returned, if you complain that it hasnt been returned to ebay or paypal, they might either tell buyer to return it before a refund or get alerted to what you sell...try and keep it all as automated as possible. In the end buyer can call paypal or email them and get money refunded, but it depends how far they want to go, some buyers know the rules inside out and some just give up and were trying their luck for an easy keeper...depends
With regards to the item if they get vero from a supplier and its deemed ⊗⊗⊗⊗ they dont have to return it do they?
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Old 03-12-2011
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paypal CAN take money from your bank, usually however its because at some point you have agreed to this via fees direct debit automated payments, but members here have had it happen when theyve only agreed to pay via card. Basically they will try card first then dip in to attached bank.

Well written proof from genuine brand supplier that goods are fa ke is the ultimate in proof, and yes ebay will definately take that as evidence. However they also take much less proof, eg. buyers say-so. In such cases though they will normally request that item is returned to seller.

Last edited by oompaloompa; 03-12-2011 at 01:40 PM.
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Old 03-12-2011
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An item found to be foo-foo is supposedly meant to be destroyed. But the problem then is that the seller loses for selling foo-foos. paypal dont like sellers doing that. (Hypothetical or not )
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Old 03-12-2011
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By adding a bank account to your paypal account - Paypal will go into your bank account and debit via ACH withdraw (direct debit) which you agree too when you confirm your bank account to your paypal. You can withdraw the money so that you don't have the funds available for paypal to debit. In the US, the only way to get around this is to close your bank account completely. If if you try to speak with your bank and request no ACH debits be allowed by paypal, they tell you that this is not possible and the only way to completely disable paypal from taking $ back is to close the account. Paypal is sneaky too, they will try to debit your account by a few cents less than the actual amount they claim is owed in case you put a stop payment on the actual amount you thought they may pull.

To save yourself some headache, close the bank account asap. Your paypal account is stealth (I assume)?
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Old 03-13-2011
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As i said earlier i think they can hop onto payments when you have an existing method set up to pay ebay fees ect

they can not just go into your bank and take money go into your bank no need to close account and cancel the DD that is set up when you verify or do it online as i do

if your stilll worried cancel your card say it was stolen

They cannot go into an account and Take your money if they do it is because you have some agreement set up to take fees
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Old 03-13-2011
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Originally Posted by GreenBean™ View Post
An item found to be foo-foo is supposedly meant to be destroyed. But the problem then is that the seller loses for selling foo-foos. paypal dont like sellers doing that. (Hypothetical or not )

Hypothetically other than the buyer sending the item too the original maker there is no other way for the buyer to actually prove he has a ⊗⊗⊗⊗

he could in theory get picture from anywhere on the net and send it to manufacturer claiming that is what he bought

sending a picture to manufacturer is not proof is it really? it could be from anywhere
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Old 03-13-2011
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it happend to me a couple of years ago , they managed to claw just over a grand back, oh well we live and learn.

Cancel the dd is all you need to do, a few days after you do paypal will want you to confirm your account again.
^The above is from a u.k point of view^

Bend it, Shape it, Anyway you want it...
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