By adding a bank account to your paypal account - Paypal will go into your bank account and debit via ACH withdraw (direct debit) which you agree too when you confirm your bank account to your paypal. You can withdraw the money so that you don't have the funds available for paypal to debit. In the US, the only way to get around this is to close your bank account completely. If if you try to speak with your bank and request no ACH debits be allowed by paypal, they tell you that this is not possible and the only way to completely disable paypal from taking $ back is to close the account. Paypal is sneaky too, they will try to debit your account by a few cents less than the actual amount they claim is owed in case you put a stop payment on the actual amount you thought they may pull.
To save yourself some headache, close the bank account asap. Your paypal account is stealth (I assume)?