Bad Headache, Hot and Groggy. Tylenol

ARG! I fell horrible today. I had to wake up early to take my uncle to his truck. He’s a truck driver. He drives all around the United States. The night before I went to sleep around 5am, and I had to wake up at 10am, so I only had 5 hours of sleep. This is bad when you’re used to 8-10 hours of sleep!


Anyways, the day started okay, took a shower, had a good breakfast, checked my email and took off with my brother to pick up my uncle.


Then my headache started and to make matters worse my ac didn’t seem to work. In Texas heat that’s no fun.


After I grabbed my uncle and dropped him off, I went to the Nissan dealership where I bought my truck and wanted them to check it out. The only thing was they were out to lunch for an hour; and it would of taken hours for them to even look at my AC, so I just left and went home.


No AC, driving for a couple hours and with 100 degrees heat doesn’t help my headache.


The second I came home I took a nap… I had a few hours before I was to meet my personal trainer, why not take a quick nap. Well my nap lasted longer then I thought and I missed my appointment with my personal trainer. ARg!


Now 4 hours later, after eating an unhealthy meal, Jack in the box, emailing my host complaining about one of my website�s speed, and working on other stuff I still have a headache and feel groggy.


I just took 3 extra strength Tylenol and about to head to the gym. I got to get away from my computer.



Creator of SFB, eBay Stealth and Amazon Ghost at aspkin

¯\_(oo)_/¯ My Recent Works –> eBay Stealth, Amazon Ghost, AutoBlogBook, SixFigureBoss




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