Internet Article Wizard is a Hit!

As a follow up to my original post about Internet Article Wizard!

Internet Article Wizard

Look at some of these comments from the Warrior Forum members about IAW 2.0:


IAW is brilliant because it makes me look brilliant…
thanks Jon

Morry Zelcovitch
This is absolutely one of the coolest software products I’ve ever seen.

John, you really hit it out of the park on this one.

Thanks for creating something so cool!

Ross Goldberg
WHOA — this thing is FAST! I can’t believe how easy it makes article writing.

This software changes everything. Definitely beats spinning.

Thanks Jonathan..

Mark Wieser
Combine a niche keyword research tool with this great software and you have got a powerhouse!

The software works just great and is VERY fast. BUM marketers rejoice!

All I Can Say Is –


This will definitely be a welcome addition to my marketing tool arsenal.

Best regards

Ultra Bum Marketing LIVE – LIFETIME Subscription – From Niche Selection through Monetization

Version 2 is great! This stands high above the original stand alone version and does as good if not better as the online pro version does. Thanks Jonathan for another great piece of software that’s usable and affordable for the “average Joe”.

I’ve already started truning out some more stuff for the blog, and I love how I can sound like an expert about things I may only know a little about.

Good tool, great service. Thanks Jonathan.

In one word…Wow!

I must be one of the pickiest software buyer out there and this software rocks!

I’ve bought it and it literally took minutes to create a short article. There was absolutely no learning curve and this is especially important if you have not bought the previous version. I’m confident that IAW 2.0 will become one of my frequently used tools.

Great job, Jon!

Tom Chuong
This new version is a great improvement. Much faster and therefore much better for rapid creation of articles.

What I like about IAW is that it doesn’t take initiative or creativity away from the user. It just saves an enormous amount of time.

Worth its weight in gold – especially at the current ?/$ conversion rate. 🙂

Hi Jonathan,

SSSSSShhhhhhhhhhhh. Don’t tell anyone about this. Oooops… too late.

It only took about two minutes of the overview for me to be ready to hit the “Buy” button. Anyone who writes articles would be crazy to not check out Instant Article Wizard. At this price it is an absolute nobrainer.

If it were possible to make article writing any easier, someone else would have to write them for you… and do it for free. This is going to be one welcome addition to my arsenal of tools.


Jay Michael
I got IAW 1.0 few months ago,it was sitting in my hard drive because I thought that trying other tools (spinners) will save me time.

I was wrong,all the “stuff” that the spinners created was barely readable!.

I started using IAW,and my articles are of a very good quality. Ready to send to any place that I want.

Now with IAW 2.0 ,faster and easier,thanks Jonathan…

Mario Olivers
Instant Article Wizard 2.0 Rocks!!!

In a couple of words,… Thank You!

This Software is amazing…. If you have been writing articles and submitting them to article directories, or selling them and getting profits, chances are that your room is plenty of reading material. Your computer full of websites, eBooks, or any sort of information gathered in many ways.

Well, the days of huge piles of books bought with the hope of getting some information from them to write your articles is over.

Jonathan’s software brings all relevant information to write your article in minutes. It gets you started right away and you could have a complete article in a record time. (less than 10 minutes) And what is more valuable is that this excellent tool (Instant Article Wizard 2.0) helps you to write about subjects you know nothing about.

Some people are against this concept claiming that it is not a responsible writer who would write as an expert about subjects he has no experience about. I say to these people, when you are studying and you get an assignment about a subject you know nothing about, how do you tackle the task?

Of course, by doing research and putting in your own words what you learned. Now, somehow, you are an expert on what you wrote.

You can think on IAW 2.0, as a restless, efficient assistant who will give every information you require. And even more important, with sentences correctly structured for the web.

Introduction, body paragraphs based on keywords(subtopics) and conclusion. And it counts the words as you go. Its easy to plan writing about 300 words and end with 1500 without even notice it.

Now you will have extra time to do whatever you want to. You can start low writing only 5 articles a day that would take you about 3 hours with editing and all and the rest of the time, you can spend it with your family and friends.

Ask me about it if you have any doubt about it.

Paul Marin
Jonathan Leger is on my credit cards A list. 😉

Whenever he releases a new product, I usually purchase first and see what it does later. I don’t suggest this type of method to buy your products but I’m just making a point that his software and script creations are that good.

IAW version 2 is no exception…

I’ve been using the original version since it went on sale and it sits in my “daily tools” folder on my desktop.

I have also made some great money as an affiliate of Jonathans products, which is a great plus.

One of the main reasons I purchase from him is because he is a software developer and anytime you have questions or want to suggest some new features for his products, he is right back at you with an email to respond to your concerns.

Do yourself a favor and pick up this nifty tool while its at this giveaway price.

Thanks Jon and keep the great products coming. 😉

Take care,
Kenneth Fox
Professional Blog Hosting & SEO
Hello Jonathan,

This thing rocks. PERIOD! If people don’t realize what they can do in a matter of minutes with this tool then they just don’t get it. Bottome line it is UNIQUE content that is kicking right now and what is being required of the S.E.’s to gain that advantage.

Sure you can take PLR content and modify it a bit so that it is “unique” but it is not the same as having an ENTIRE article that is unique. Content spinners, although there are some better than others, can only do what you tell them to do or define for them to spin and USUALLY it is on a word by word or phrase by phrase basis and IMHO their intelligence just isn’t their yet.

YOUR tool pulls in ENTIRE sentences from various resources and allows me to put something together VERY unique and very readable that makes sense. It SERIOUSLY levels the playing field when it comes to writing unique content making me an expert in any field practically.

Can you say expert verbiage?

This thing is powerful and even though a content spinner can whip out articles by the hundreds AFTER you set it up defining all the words/phrases you want spun they are not going to be AS unique as if the ENTIRE article was put together from scratch. Plus they don’t always make sense.

The chances of two people building the same article with your tool is practically impossible because of the combinations one can choose from AND the unlimited ability to add more and more research terms to the tool adding more UNIQUE content to the mix!

I can go on and on about this tool but seriously it boils down to the end user. Either they are going spin their content, outsource their content or create their own unique content because IMHO that is more powerful. IF you create your own then this is the tool you need.

Even if you outsource it to an article writer who is part of your staff then you want them to have this tool because it will make their job easier AND they can produce UNIQUE articles faster. If you outsource your articles at five bucks a pop then add up what you’d pay for ten articles ($5 x 10 = $50) and you can afford this tool which will allow you ro
produce UNLIMITED UNIQUE articles within minutes.

I am seriously loving this tool as you can see and NO Jonathan did not pay me for this post although he should!

Bottomline is my unique articles will outrank your modified PLR articles anytime. It takes me less me roughly 5 to 6 minutes to produce one unique article so in an hour I can produce about 10 to 12 articles. I usually spend about one hour doing that and then have my assistant take over and create more.

This thing is too easy.


Mark Ress

Check this fantastic tool out now at:

Internet Article Wizard

You can thank me later!



Creator of SFB, eBay Stealth and Amazon Ghost at aspkin

¯\_(oo)_/¯ My Recent Works –> eBay Stealth, Amazon Ghost, AutoBlogBook, SixFigureBoss




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