After hours of searching for the best permalink structure for my WordPress blogs I have come to this!
It starts with category for Search Engine keywording and usability. In the middle is the post id which is an easy way for your database to recognize which post a user wants which speeds up your blog. If you just have %postname% as you permalink structure, which blog has, over time your blog will slow down. It takes more effort for your database to search using only you�re postname instead of id or date. With more post will slow down. It’s already a little slow but with my cache enabled it’s doing okay. Last but not least is postname which will add keywords to your URL for use in search engines optimization!
Oh and I almost forgot! .HTML !!!!
This is a great add on which will make your pages look more static! Believe it or not search engines love static pages because they usually stay put! Your page rank will pass easier too!
Quick post for you guys and a note for any future blogs of mine!
Oh and if your wordpress blog is already established I don�t recommend you change your permalink structure. Once changed any previous inbound links to specific pages will be lost, your pagerank will decrease and you�ll lose indexed pages and ranking. That�s why I�m leaving alone; it�s too late for a change.
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