View Full Version : eBay Suspensions
- MC999 ID Verify
- What do you think I should do?
- MC999 NOTICE: eBay Registration Suspension for no real reason
- New MC999 Suspension
- Mc 067
- can i use my suspended ebay adders
- My ebay account got restricted
- using sisters account ????
- Ebay Limited: possible reasons?
- Can I Use my real home address as delivery?
- ebay stealth and ebay buying account
- ebay suspension NEED ADVICE!
- Problem starting after ebay suspension
- Cannot Relist/List New Item = Due to PP Unverified?
- Suspensions question for MC018 & MC999.
- MC999 - successfully overcome.
- Christmas is coming- be ready!
- Don't know eBay Account Details
- Stealth account with LLC
- Power Seller Banned????
- Multi-Account - Some Suspended - Others OK
- One time payment to ebay from paypal
- Questions for a beginner on this site
- Just recently suspended - paypal question
- Managed to get suspended again!
- confirm identity
- Get to know your MC 067 NOTICE
- MC019 better understanding
- Got eBay restriction
- Is it worth trying to save this account???
- What questions do Pay pal/E bay ask to verify your address when calling them?
- Becoming a Business Seller - what is the catch!
- MC999 successfully reinstated
- Just got suspended indefinitely on ebay & New here
- Hail All
- Suspended In The Past, Needing Some Advice
- Seller Attacking my listings as Vero - Please Help....
- Will this raise my limits?
- MC999 eBay Indefinite Selling Restriction
- Restricted Again !
- HELP!! MC049 Registration Suspension Continuously : Helpless
- ebay/paypal linking ways?
- My selling account has been restricted indefinitely (Questions)
- Will my suspension affect my wife's account?
- MC008 eBay Indefinite Selling Restriction - USER
- MC021 and MC067 Suspension and listing cancelled
- repeat suspensions why
- MC999 NOTICE: eBay Listing(s) Removed
- Concerns with Step 3.
- Does this mean I'm ban from my account or is there away around this?
- We've restricted your listing activity! WHY? MC999
- can i make a new paypal a/c with same info?
- MC049 indefinite suspension on new account
- Ebay suspended my account for 14 days and removed my buyer's protection, need help
- MC999 restricted linked to another username?
- Ebay was suspend- Got new account account
- LTC Trusted Reporter MC004 violation
- Suspended Advice Needed
- Suspended a lot: Why
- Mc008 my account was restricted
- eBay TROUBLES as usual
- Caught because of linked email.
- MC999 unusual activity
- Can i get around MC011 ??
- Mc067 notice
- Talking to reps
- eBay Suspensions on my company account
- Question regarding similar address
- MC081 , my account was suspended
- How to use account correctly
- Restricted from selling indefinitely but my account was used without authorisation!
- Stealth ebay account - help
- Account suspended/blocked
- eBay stealth need identification
- send a message to seller to send an item to different address?
- can i still save my husband's account in this case?
- Account Suspended What to Do
- Mc010 + mc000 arrhh!!
- MC999 eBay Listing Removed: Trademark Violation - Unauthorized Item (703721xxx)
- Former Platinum Seller - Glad to be here!
- All Ended Listings "Removed from eBay" After Non-Payment Suspension?
- ebay seller account is blocked untill my call ,need help please
- How long does it take to get to list 10,000 items selling limit?
- Closing declining account good idea?
- MC999 Your eBay account has been suspended
- Need opinions on a new account
- Paypal, suspension, and appeal questions
- IF you get linked, how soon would it affect you?
- I am back on ebay after suspended
- Just goy Ebay stealth and Amazon Ghost...Here's my Story..(Long Post)
- close but confused
- Iphone usage, credit cards...
- Banned Paypal/Ebay-Tips for New Accounts? Please Help!
- Ebay Customer Rep may have linked old and new accounts
- Paypals Gone but Ebays still Fine - Use new paypal or leave them?
- quick mc008 question
- Ok something weird just happened....
- Ebay suspended for not paying selling fee.waiting for reinstate.
- Quick question about suspensions!
- Okay, I was suspended, but the account wasn't closed out?